"Shadenfreude" is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others

by artemis.design 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • artemis.design

    I have only resently come across his German loanword, but it has become my new favourite word. We don't have an English equvalent, but it sums up so joyously what I feel everytime I hear some misfortune regarding JW organisation.

    Am I bitter & twisted???

  • ProdigalSon

    I came across that word recently also.... you must be doing some heavy reading.

    Bitter? Probably. Twisted? I don't think so. You are un-twisting, from the heart and mind-bending of the Borg. It's a process that goes in stages. Maybe the day has already arrived that you just don't care. Having a deep-rooted, uncontrollable desire to help others unbend might never go away though, until the Cult is gone and can't claim any more lives. There's no bitterness in that, only love.


  • artemis.design

    I have been out for a long time, and am lucky I still have some limited contact with my family.

    I don't hate any 1 peron, or have any bad feelings towards anyone as an individual. But everytime there is something that shows the borg up, suffer some kind of embarrassment or misfortune, I definatly do feel Shadenfreude.

    I think you are right, I am desperate to get my brothers and sisters out. Maybe that is why??

    From reading a lot of the posts, I don't think I'm the only one that feels this.

  • TheSilence

    The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson has a great line using that word...

    "Dawn was breaking when Agletrudis appeared at Engelthal's gate, wearing a smile so thick with Schadenfreude that it seemed impossible it could fit on a nun's face." Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle. It is an excellent book, though a bit dark, if you ever have the chance to read it.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    the organization is all about shadenfreude

    lets dance on the bones of 6 billion or more humans as we enjoy the pleasures of the new system and even now lets be happy everytime theres a disaster because we're closer to paradise.

  • mrsjones5

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