Would you call this a double standard on God's part?

by sabastious 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sabastious
    Exodus 20: 13 - You shall not murder.


    Exodus 12: 29 - At midnight the LORD struck down all the firstborn in Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn of the prisoner, who was in the dungeon, and the firstborn of all the livestock as well.

    I believe this is a classic case of "do what I say, not as I do."


  • sabastious

    I find it ironic that a prohibition on murder is only 8 chapters after God's infanticide.


  • Ding

    God makes life and death decisions all the time. How many people on planet earth will die today? Millions, no doubt.


    They are just words in a biblica of ancient notes, fairy-tales and assertions.

    Who the hell is this murderous god you refer to? He doesn't hang out in my neighborhood.

  • sabastious
    Who the hell is this murderous god you refer to? He doesn't hang out in my neighborhood.

    Possibly just dormant, waiting on something....


  • NeonMadman

    One objection to murder is that it involves taking to oneself a prerogative (i.e., the ending of a human life) that only belongs to God. One could hardly accuse God of doing wrong by taking to himself a prerogative that belongs only to him, could one?

  • Mythbuster

    one could

  • NeonMadman

    one could

    I'm not quite sure how. If I leave $100 on my coffee table and you visit my house and you take the money and spend it, you are a thief. If I take the money and spend it, I've done nothing wrong. By definition, God is the giver of life and the one who has authority over it. If he decides to end a life, he is within his authority. If I decide to end a life, I am committing murder. The difficulty seems to arise when we presume that we are equals with God and can therefore judge his actions. He judges us, not the other way around.

  • little witch
    little witch

    I don't believe the bible is gods word to humanity. I think it is humanity in search of god. I do believe it is A book of knowledge, that it has the potential to enrich us, to guide us, to make us question every sentence and perhaps change our thinking. I believe that if there is a holy spirit that we would be allowed to search it out and it would never be irrelevant.

    The bible to me is a collection of historical record, poetry, art, architecture, fables, facts, and prophecy. It is my life long study. I enjoy the freedom to read and learn at my own pace and my own understanding without having to be spoonfed "food at the proper time". LOL

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