Which side of the fence are they on?They dismiss this technology when they want and believe it when it can prove things they want,like the Ark.
Carbon Dating
by Beans 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hello Beans,
Yes, it gets very difficult trying to preserve the integrity of theological doctrines adopted when times were more ignorant of the scientific realities.
Of course, those actually interested in truth humbly re-evaluate their position when scientific fact confronts them.
Those not interested in truth design a new disfellowshipping form.
They would like to have it both ways and by selectively quoting the correct sources, like the Watch Tower has many times in the past, they can.
Carbon dating is both very accurate and very inaccurate. HUH?? Its accuracy depends on the material being tested and the age of the material itself. Scientists wishing to learn the truth, as all scientists do, don’t play games and will only use carbon dating when it is appropriate and use other methods when these alternatives are better suited for a given sample.
Detractors of carbon dating will selectively quote scientists who correctly point out that carbon dating is inaccurate with certain known material and time periods. But these detractors often don’t like to point out that the same scientists extol the accuracy of carbon dating when it is used correctly.