Witnesses taking credit for bloodless surgery research and implementation

by sabastious 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious

    I gets me almost into a frezy when Witnesses use this asinine argument.

    If JWs were EVER the reason for bloodless surgery reasearch it was because doctors were tired of having to let you guys DIE. They found a way to keep your asses alive even with your ridiculous superstitions! You should thank the doctors of this world for having such love and compassion...


  • Gayle

    Medical research and implementation is constant. That is for medicines and surgeries of all sort for the benefit of ALL people. This would include for blood processes of all sorts. Since JWs think they are the 'center of the universe' or 'earth' it is only presumptuous and arrogant that the medical researches and improvements have anything primarily to do with just them. Medical advances are based on medical facts and sciences, not JW interpretive doctrines and exclusively their needs.

  • sabastious

    They use bloodless surgery as a straw man when they are called to defend their manslaughter doctrine. They point to the new medical procedures and ignore that blood is still very much required in certain situations and it is life and death.


  • wasblind

    " You should thank the doctors of this world for having such love and compassion...


    Yes Sab, they should also be thankful that, these Doctors didn't denied themselves an education because the end is so close.

  • ProdigalSon

    I have to admit from first-hand experience with my mother that the Witnesses do have a very large presence in the hospitals and have done a lot to promote and improve bloodless surgery. They do have actual doctors involved. I'm not defending the hard-line cultish stance on transfusions though. What I WILL attack is the ridiculousness and hypocrisy of allowing separate fractions when the last I checked, the sum of the fractions equals a whole.


  • sabastious
    I have to admit from first-hand experience with my mother that the Witnesses do have a very large presence in the hospitals and have done a lot to promote and improve bloodless surgery.

    The doctors are cooperating because the Witnesses use blackmail... they are letting their kids die...

    Think about that from a doctor's perspective. He/she got into the business of saving lives and here is a group of people forcing your hand to let your patients die. Then they take credit for the virtues of safer surgery at the cost of dead children.

    I bet there a lot of furious doctors out there in this arena.


  • sabastious

    The Witnesses are NOT advocates of "safer surgery." They put their obstinate, and sometimes deadly, religious views above ALL else and glorify it in any way possible.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    We sincerely do thank all professionals in the healthcare industry who respect our beliefs and give us the best treatment available without violating our conscience.

    There are now throughout the nation plenty of doctors and institutions that offer all sorts of surgeries and treatments just as effective without the use of blood. Surely a blessing to JWs and many others that object to the use of blood.

    DY - Hello y'all!!!

  • sabastious
    There are now throughout the nation plenty of doctors and institutions that offer all sorts of surgeries and treatments just as effective without the use of blood. Surely a blessing to JWs and many others that object to the use of blood.

    Except when a treatment requires blood, or in the case of emergency.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I think they can take credit for the evolution of CHILD PROTECTIVE LAW.

    I wonder how they like the fit of THAT shoe?

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