whats really going to hapen
by arimatthewdavies 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
Nothing? You're right!
Life goes on and I will be long gone before anything happens.
Think About It
A Worldwide White Out will happen?
Think About It
keyser soze
Wow. 25 posts, and you've yet to say anything at all. That has to be a record.
Poor ole Ari... none of his posts ever show up.
I am sorry about my posts not showing up im now useing skyfire some of my posts show up fine others do not when i use opera browser skyfire is slower but it works i will simply fill in the boxes on my empty posts thanks
Think About It
Sooooooo.........what's really going to happen?
Think About It
here is the article shortened, most religeions are awaiting the rapture of the church were the good people fly away, satan as useual did his fine job turning the bible around and circulating a b.s, story! read your bible in that day you will consider the place of the wicked you will look for him and he wont be their! for onley the rightous remained! yes the days comeing one day soon 3/4ths of earths population will be removed as they are going up they will likley be happy thinking they are going to heaven jehovah will have given them strong delusion [a mercy] the wicked will be destoyed quickly and mercifully , leaveing behind hugh amounts of wealth and propertys. the bible says the richs of the wicked are laid up for the rightous..earth will quickley rebound with plants and creatures under jesus christs kingship the sickness and death will stop mans ageing will reverse..
now a little on the b.s. lie that religeion has been teaching! most of us have been beaten down with the preacher waveing a bible telling people about the rapture and we beleived it! nobody bothered to care for our home [earth] after all its getting burned up and we are going to heaven.
well look at the mess they made with that lie, thats not what the bible teaches they just waved it around made a big noise and bingl the rapture story! then they defamed the very person of god with another b.s. if your bad
god will torture you in hell! SO come to church give us your $ first god said the penalty for sin is death he said dead people feel absoulitly nothing and have no thoughts none. so out the door with that lie!
and last some men who were serious about geting right with god [the bible students] picked up their bible began to read it and started to encourage other to do likewise, soon some greedy wolven men decided to capitalise on this growing movement to worship god! they translated a bible in such a way that it would support the religeion they were building. and THe bible students got suc