Freakonomics and the drop in the crime rate

by Damocles 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Damocles

    We recently watched the movie 'Freakonomics' based on the book of the same name and it posited some pretty scandalous ideas among the less so. On the less scandalous side, name choice has little to do with success except that a mother who names you some wierd thing has other problems that surely will affect you. Its not the name its the parents who would give you such a name.

    On the provocative side, they note that the slide in crime rate across the country corresponds with the time period that abortion has been legal. In other words, maybe the crime rate is down because unwanted babies, who would have become criminals about now, were aborted. Like I said pretty scandalous and provocative.

    Anyone read the book, see the movie, or have opinions on the subject?

  • Magwitch

    I read the book a couple of years ago and saw the movie this month. I loved both and thought there were some valid points.

  • serenitynow!

    No. I never knew there was a movie based on the book. I find it probable that any decrease in crime could be somewhat attributable to less unwanted babies.

    On the less scandalous side, name choice has little to do with success except that a mother who names you some wierd thing has other problems that surely will affect you. Its not the name its the parents who would give you such a name

    That's funny. I have a weird name. It's biblical (hebrew), but still weird and then for good measure they gave me a spanish middle name that is not even a proper name, because the meaning went with the meaning of my first name. It's a constant reminder that I was born into a cult. And yes those 2 weird people did have a whole lotta mess going on.

    I do feel that people who give their girls stripper names are setting them up.

  • Damocles

    One thing I really liked about the movie was their emphasis on correlation doesn't equal causation. Just because you put more cops on the beat and the crime rate goes down doesn't mean that was the cause. Better look closer.

    Yeah, serenity, there are some names that are just too obvious. But then what do you know when you have kids to name? We made a boneheaded mistake with our one daughter. Female name that sounds male. No end of trouble.

  • serenitynow!
    Female name that sounds male. No end of trouble.

    OMG. My name actually is masculine, and from the time I was a kid I had to correct people. The first day of school was the worst. The teacher would call out for "Mr" and I would have to raise my hand. And letters I get from people I don't know are always addressed to "Mr."

  • Damocles

    Serenity, She recently changed her first name. Can't blame her for sure.

    One of a number of 'I can't believe I did that' things as a parent. Before I started, I knew it all, now I'm done don't know a damn thing - except, 40% of the time, cream of wheat helps a child sleep at nite. Sole thing I learned in 30 years.

  • serenitynow!

    I've thought of changing my name. It seems like I would probably have to move to a different place for it to stick.

    Also, BTW I am now craving cream of wheat.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    I have and read the book and thoroughly enjoyed it. However, while it is entertaining, his causal links are weak.

  • zarco

    A similar book is titled "more sex is safer sex" - really thought provoking examples of the causation correlation debate.


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