jehovahs wittnesses have adopted their name because they want to show that they are wittnesses for jehovah, but i need to point this out for your consideration first the name jehovah while it shows your referereing to jhwh really is not valid in the least, to be a wittnesses of some one in any court you must have his real ful. name, proxies [stand in names] are not allowed. second it was jesus christ who comisioned us to work for him.
third he is the mediator between us and god, hence how or why can you be a wittness for jehovah ? when jesus christ is the one your working for? if this was a court jehovah would be the judge, you are the defendant jesus is the lawer satan is the plaintiff who demands your death.
so the name jehovahs wittness is a totaly junk name evan though it sounds good! worshipers of jehovah, rings true but certainley not wittnessed!
wittnesses of who?
by arimatthewdavies 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Plus, the Israelites were Witnesses of Jehovah. Guess what we are supposed to be?
Acts 1:8: But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
We are to be JESUS' witnesses!!
so the name jehovahs wittness is a totaly junk name
Yes, courtesy of the 2nd President, Joseph Rutherford. Not only is 'Jehovah' a translation error, but this 'naming' went against what Russell stated, that they were Christians and Bible Students and that naming them was unnecessary and that 'organization' was to be avoided.
So much for keeping to the original plan.
Brother dan is correct, Acts makes it quite clear, in Jesus's "own words" that we are to be witnesses to/of Him.
So, unless Jehovah is Jesus, the JW's are witnesses t the old covenant and you knwo what that means?
Circumcissions for all !!
hello all
indeed. the Christians-Bible Students under JFR. have taken wrongly upon them the Name "JW"s"
but they have done many other wrong things , or have given many wrongs interpretations of Scriptures
regarding the Name , YHWH has prophecised that His people will receive a new name
Isaiah 62:
2 The nations will see your righteousness,
and all kings your glory;
you will be called by a new name
that the mouth of the LORD will bestow.The "new name" is that of "Christian" , that is , a follower and believer in Christ
all people who return to God now , after realizing that they have been departed from God's word , are appreciating again the Name given by Father to His Son's followers and believers : Christians
Acts 11:26 ..... The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch
This is the new name : Christians .
ari, this is not e-watchman but an entirely different mindset. You know me over there as Jeshurun. You're preaching to the choir over here when it comes to the falsehoods of the Watchtower.
The New Testament was put together to make it appear as if it was the fulfillment of the Book of Jewish Fables. Jehovah of the Old Testament is none other than the internal Iod-Havah (male and female) that we all have within ourselves, but was presented as a male god external to the universe who demands worship, obedience, yada yada. He is the gnostic demiurge who thought he was the Most High, but as we learn in Psalms 82:1, he is nothing more than a sub-god who sits in the assembly of the Divine One (Most High). This is all the trick of a corrupt Levite priesthood in the sin business, while at the same time giving the truth to the insider initiates of kabbalistic wisdom. So, a true witness of Jehovah has seen God within, and since he has, he also has the wisdom to see God in others, and that we are all One in spirit. With work, this eventually results in Masterhood, a "do unto others" spirit, a reactivation of the 12 strands of DNA, and a fully functioning pineal gland.
"Jacob named the place Peniel (which means 'face of God'), for he said, 'I have seen God face to face, yet my life has been spared.'" ~Genesis 32:30, New Living Translation 2007.