And how dubs can't watch rated R movies, I began thinking of what constitutes a movie being rated R? A movie doesn't need to have nudity, violence or other graphic imagery to get this rating. It would seem that all a movie swearing, vulgar language. At it's core, basically sound vibrations eminating from our vocal chords. Then I began thinking, how is one sound generated worse than some other sound we make? When a bird makes long swooping sounds then goes into quicker shorter bursts could it be cursing? God-tweetit!! Those were two thoughts I had, then I thought if someone made a movie about all the deaths that jerkovah directly caused ( i.e. Lot's wife, the colliseum full of people Samson killed, those that didn't have the mark over their doors, the teens who were murdered by the 2 she-bears etc...) would it be rated R? Would I be able to watch said movie if it was biblically accurate? I mean, to me jerkovahs whacking people is a lot like those Final Destination movies where the killer isn't represented in a physical form, a movie series that is of course, rated R. If I couldn't watch "Terminator 5: Rise of gods spirit" why not, and if I could why is god exempt?
......and then Bill says "Do you find me sadistic?"