how old would you say she is 7-10 yrs old?
Assembly Hall just opened Aug. 28
by Gayle 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs's-witnesses
how old would you say she is 7-10 yrs old?
Assembly Hall just opened Aug. 28
No way that kid is 10 years old, I would say 6 or 7, she is little, I can't believe they would show that pic.
I couldn't get past the music. It just gave me the creeps.
I see they've still got murals with a kid petting a lion! And little bunnies on the table right beside the lion! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
And the lion can't eat the bunnies as much as he'd like to, but there's now straw around for him to eat! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
That Assembly hall looks like it seats at least 500 people and there must have 40 to 50 people tops! in attendance! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Only 540 views in a whole month, and ONE vote which gave the page 5 stars! Must've come from the guy who put up the page. Hell, I get tons more views and votes on Randy's nasty old apostate site all the time! Surely Jehovah is blessing me as these wicked old days come fast, fast, fast to their end.
Farkel, ROFLMAO Class
That poor little girl. She just signed up for a lifetime of HELL. And THAT ain't funny.
Baptism scene from a picture on the wall. (1940's? --Hard to tell)
I don't care for the silly pictures and murals, but like their taste in plants
Doesn't bring happy memories back does it?
Did anyone scroll down after the AZ video and listen to the Prince interview? He sounds crazy. I can't imagine the WTS is happy having him be an unofficial JW spokesman.