I have an unfortunate feeling that the Watchtower Society - in fact, Christianity and all OTHER religions as a whole - would find ways to 'co-opt' that discovery to "support" their belief systems...
In other words, kinda what Wobble said...
"J W's would find some way to explain it away, no doubt..."
I mean, take a look at how various sections of Christianity (and other religions...) have waffled as each new scientific discovery proved their pet theology wrong...
It was proven that the earth was round, not flat. The JWs - among others - reinterpreted that scripture about "god" dwelling above the "circle" of the earth to mean that 'he' supposedly was dwelling above a BALL, instead of a round PLATE - in effect.
Someone on board [or on YouTube??] posted a translation of the term used in that scripture, and explained that the Israelites - like so many other primitive peoples of the time - used a term that described a "plate-like" earth, NOT a globe...
Same thing happened as science began to understand what the REAL age of the earth probably was.... As soon as geology - and geophysics - extended the age of the earth from 6,000 years - or whatever biblical version one wants to use - out to that 4.5 billion age, some Christians closed their eyes and stopped up their ears and went "nya nya nya nya I can't HEAR you!!" - still insisting that the earth was only 6,000 years old - or 49,000 years old, or whatever....
Then the Catholics began to hesitantly 'accept' the scientific evidence. Not to be outdone, the JWs 'suddenly' sort-of agreed that, yes, the earth COULD be 4.5 billion years old, but the CREATIVE DAYS were still only 42,000 years old!!!
Which is fantastically stupid... Genesis indicates that the earth existed BEFORE the sun and moon... At least, in one version of its 'creation' story...
This is why I get so frustrated when dealing with creationists - like AGuest, BrotherDan, and others. Present them with facts, scientific discoveries, and they simply deny the reality of the facts. I forget who posts "God said it, I believe it, that settles it!" as sarcastic commentary on creationist mentality, but that pretty much sums up their attitudes.
As someone else posted in the "Dawkins Delusion" thread - I think it was Cognizant Dissident - one cannot HAVE an intelligent [my version; SANE!!!] conversation with people who won't accept FACTS - and who continue to insist that a 3,500-year-old 'god' of ignorant, primitive, superstitious, Bronze-Age Middle Eastern sheepherders, is the "real" 'god'...
I am CONSTANTLY frustrated by the refusal of such creationists to acknowledge that OTHER GODS EXISTED BEFORE their blasted 'bible' "god" - before it - 'he' - was even a gleam in a PAGAN Middle Eastern nomad's eye!!!!!
Sorry... I just get so FRUSTRATED!!! Feel like knocking on their wooden heads and asking whether anyone's home...