What impact would the discovery of ET have on the JW's?

by highdose 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    the UN may be appointing an ambassedor to greet aliens. Which looks kinda serious and got me thinking " say the little green men in a space ship really were found what would JW's do?"

    Would they claim it was a lie?

    Say it had been foretold in the bible all along?

    Pass it off as "new light"

    any thoughts?

  • Mythbuster

    What would you say if I told you I know a JW pioneer who believes they saw a UFO and believes life exists outside this universe?

  • wobble

    J W's would find some way to explain it away, no doubt, but it would blow there theories about Jehoober being a God of justice right out of the water.

    The whole Adam and Eve experiment and the conflict with the Devil pre-supposes that we are the only life (in the sense of moral beings with a wiil of their own) in the physical universe.

    If life such as ours, capable of worshipping Jehoober, exists elsewhere it would either have rejected the devil totally, or be like us humans, most serving him, according to the WT.

    In that case the devil would say it was unjust to confine him to the "vicinity of the Earth" , as he could not try to corrupt the other lot, being thus confined.

    I am hopeful that life will be discovered on other planets, the problem is most are so many light years away that contact, even by radio waves is unlikely. Contact via light waves (laser) is fraught with difficulties, but they do travel faster.

  • ziddina

    I have an unfortunate feeling that the Watchtower Society - in fact, Christianity and all OTHER religions as a whole - would find ways to 'co-opt' that discovery to "support" their belief systems...

    In other words, kinda what Wobble said...

    "J W's would find some way to explain it away, no doubt..."

    I mean, take a look at how various sections of Christianity (and other religions...) have waffled as each new scientific discovery proved their pet theology wrong...

    It was proven that the earth was round, not flat. The JWs - among others - reinterpreted that scripture about "god" dwelling above the "circle" of the earth to mean that 'he' supposedly was dwelling above a BALL, instead of a round PLATE - in effect.

    Someone on board [or on YouTube??] posted a translation of the term used in that scripture, and explained that the Israelites - like so many other primitive peoples of the time - used a term that described a "plate-like" earth, NOT a globe...

    Same thing happened as science began to understand what the REAL age of the earth probably was.... As soon as geology - and geophysics - extended the age of the earth from 6,000 years - or whatever biblical version one wants to use - out to that 4.5 billion age, some Christians closed their eyes and stopped up their ears and went "nya nya nya nya I can't HEAR you!!" - still insisting that the earth was only 6,000 years old - or 49,000 years old, or whatever....

    Then the Catholics began to hesitantly 'accept' the scientific evidence. Not to be outdone, the JWs 'suddenly' sort-of agreed that, yes, the earth COULD be 4.5 billion years old, but the CREATIVE DAYS were still only 42,000 years old!!!

    Which is fantastically stupid... Genesis indicates that the earth existed BEFORE the sun and moon... At least, in one version of its 'creation' story...

    This is why I get so frustrated when dealing with creationists - like AGuest, BrotherDan, and others. Present them with facts, scientific discoveries, and they simply deny the reality of the facts. I forget who posts "God said it, I believe it, that settles it!" as sarcastic commentary on creationist mentality, but that pretty much sums up their attitudes.

    As someone else posted in the "Dawkins Delusion" thread - I think it was Cognizant Dissident - one cannot HAVE an intelligent [my version; SANE!!!] conversation with people who won't accept FACTS - and who continue to insist that a 3,500-year-old 'god' of ignorant, primitive, superstitious, Bronze-Age Middle Eastern sheepherders, is the "real" 'god'...

    I am CONSTANTLY frustrated by the refusal of such creationists to acknowledge that OTHER GODS EXISTED BEFORE their blasted 'bible' "god" - before it - 'he' - was even a gleam in a PAGAN Middle Eastern nomad's eye!!!!!

    Sorry... I just get so FRUSTRATED!!! Feel like knocking on their wooden heads and asking whether anyone's home...


  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Blame it on Satan, he's trying to distract true christians in the last dying moments of this system, wait on Jehovah, F&D slave, GB, pray more, do more FS, study more WTs, simplify your life.


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Sadly, if alien life was confirmed the JW's would wait for their GB to tell them what they should think about it.

    I like Wobble's thoughts on how it would relate to the universal sovereignty issue. If Aliens have the technology to get to us first that would mean they are more likely an older race than humans, thus the "US" issue settled by their race. If the issue wasn't settled, why are Satan and his demons confined only to the vicinity of the earth? Why aren't the demons bugging the aliens?

    If Jehovah is the Creator & God of the Universe and the Aliens knew it, why didn't the Aliens make contact with the WTS HQ in Brooklyn? If they didn't believe it, then they didn't worship the true God and should be just as accountable to Jehovah as humans. Besides, look at all the "probing" of humans they have been doing. The WTS frowns on probing others.

    I think the JW's would ignore the event and continue on with their little cult goings on.

  • ProdigalSon

    The Watchtower has taken the vast organizational structure of the Multiverse and reduced it to terms that a dubbie can understand: Jehovah, Jesus, Satan, angels, and demons. The Devil will get blamed for all of it, unless its a guy with a white beard on a white horse with a sword coming out of his mouth to annihilate all those bastards who refused their literature.

    The evidence for extraterrestrial life is vast, right here on earth. Humans did not build the pyramids, and they are not making the crop circles. Here's a good place to start:


    Here's a guy who makes a pretty good case that there are approximately 67 million worlds inhabited with human life in the Milky Way Galaxy alone:


    So much for the Adam and Eve myth.


  • pirata

    wobble, your line of reasoning was used in an article to "prove" that there is not life on other planets:

    *** g90 4/8 pp. 9-11 Extraterrestrials—Finding the Answer ***
    What About Life on Other Planets?
    Some influential religious figures have insisted that God would not create any world without purpose and that all habitable worlds must therefore be inhabited. Is that what the Bible says? No. The Bible indicates that it is very unlikely that God at this point has created intelligent physical creatures on any planets other than our own. How so?
    If God did create such beings, he did so before he created Adam and Eve. Such beings either remained faithful to their Creator, or like Adam and Eve, they sinned and fell into imperfection.
    But if they became imperfect, they needed a redeemer. As one essayist put it: “One has this dreadful thought that on Friday [the day Jesus Christ was executed], every Friday, somewhere in the universe Jesus is being hanged high for someone’s sins.” But that is not Scriptural. The Bible tells us that Jesus “died with reference to sin once for all time.”—Romans 6:10.
    What if these beings had remained perfect? Well, when Adam and Eve sinned, they were, in effect, questioning God’s right to rule over a world of intelligent physical beings. If another planet existed at that time, a world full of intelligent physical beings who were living harmoniously and loyally under God’s rule, would they not have been called in as witnesses to testify that God’s rule does indeed work? This conclusion seems inescapable, since he has already used even imperfect humans as witnesses in his behalf on that very issue.—Isaiah 43:10.
    Does that mean, then, that God created all those countless millions of suns (and planets if they exist) for no purpose? Not at all. While we know, considering the uniqueness of Jesus Christ, that the earth is the only inhabited planet in the universe right now, and while we know, too, that it will forever stand unique as the planet where the Creator vindicated the rightfulness of his rulership, what the future holds we do not know.

  • leavingwt

    What impact would the discovery of ET have on the JW's?

    IMHO, our very own sd-7 could write an excellent article explaining the official WT position.

  • sir82

    JWs, as well as most other religions, would have to adjust their theology quite a bit.

    But they would adjust it, members would adapt or drop out, and the WT Society (and other religions) would continue to chug right along.

    There is an unfortunately and disappointingly high percentage of the world's population that needs someone or something to do the thinking for them. The WT Society, and many other organizations, fulfill that need. That need would not disappear just because "little green men" show up.

    More likely, it would cause such chaos, fear, and confusion that most religions, including JWs, would see at least a temporary jump in membership.

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