Convention Badges Location

by Bangalore 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bangalore

    Why does the WT ask JW's to wear their badges on their chest? In the case of brothers it is not a problem but is it not embarassing for the sisters? Also if an attendant for some reason has to check out a sisters badge, it might appear that he is staring at.... Escpecially considering that this is a religion regarded by many as quite prudish.


  • zombie dub
    zombie dub

    was always a good excuse

    besides noone ever looked at them, i used to write Michael Jackson or David Hasselhoff etc. on mine for years, noone ever noticed.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep


    Are they something like ... beavers????

    I knew where they were located.

  • highdose

    I stopped wearing mine on my chest after getting really sick of brothers staring at my chest. I wore it on my handbag instead and then the attendents would make a point of asking " where is your badge sister?!". I mean what if i had been a bible study?

    I never understood why we spent so much time pre convention asking people to it and then at the convention harrass them for not being "one of us"???

    Did anyone really hate the mess they made of the fabric?

    Oh and lets not forget the "mega badge" which was if you were an attendent... then you got to have a double badge(!) and if you were first aid... then you got to have a double badge and a floresent jacket(!) Oh the power! the power!

  • WTWizard

    I don't call them embarrassment badges for nothing. Wearing one places you with the same cesspool along with lots of pedophiles that use the religion as a blind for it, control freaks that seek to ruin lives, and people that abuse children (and the one case, which I will not drop, where one of the witlesses was busted for eating the baby). Not to mention the going around and recruiting victims to ruin their lives. And it makes me look like a complete dork when I have to wear the damn thing after leaving the immediate site.

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Badges?? We don't need no steenking badges!!!

    No Apologies

  • exwhyzee

    This thread reminds me of the time my friend filled out his Lapel Badge with the name Sy Smatterz.

  • EmptyInside

    Highdose I agree, those "stinking badges" always snagged my blouses. I did what you did and fastened them on my purse or put them on a long necklace.

  • exwhyzee

    Remember how parents would pin them on their babies back so the kid wouldn't rip it off ?

  • Gorbatchov

    Here in the Netherlands (for US readers: a small country in Western Europe west of Germany and north of Belgium), most JW's don't wear Convention Badges anymore. We don't like those Watchtower-tools. We don't donate money also. That's why we are punished by the Society. No coffee, bad seats and no video screens anymore to see the speaker... It doesn't matter, there is always a McDonalds for coffee to find, and we don't have to see the speaker, to hear him is bad enough. Most of us also attend the convention only at saturday and sunday, because our job on friday is a good excuse to stay away.

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