Did anyone notice in this week's WT how many times the word responsible was used in reference to the GB? It mentioned the 'responsible' brothers of the first century governing body. And later on they said 'responsible' men; and 'responsible' representatives. What gives? Is it a backhanded reference to Ray, who I guess was irresponsible?
"Responsible" Members of the GB
by WalkTall 4 Replies latest jw friends
I noticed that. I also noticed how the 'Governing Body' was capitized. Did anyone notice that?
Mad Sweeney
It has been capitalized for decades. They still won't ever capitalize Holy Spirit, though!
I think there is a good bit of equivocation regarding the word "responsible" when used by the Borg. In a way it implies that they are entrusted with responsibilities directly from God. In another way it implies that they accept responsibility for everything the Borg does, and whether it is right or wrong is on their own head so the rank and file can just obey with a clear conscience.
In my opinion, it's a way to distinguish those the Society feels are "genuine anointed", i.e., the Governing body, from the ever-increasing ranks of what they consider to be "laying faker Memorial partakers who want to be big shots but really are mentally diseaesed".
I.e., the wording is the Society's attempt to divide
A) Governing Body: genuine anointed, "responsible", in direct contact with Jehovah, Jesus, and resurrected other genuine anointed
B) "professed anointed": Take emblems at Memorial, but are "irresponsible", untrustworthy, probably wacked out
I think the Society is more than a little fearful of the influence of all those thousands of new Memorial partakers who, based on decades of WT writing, now consider themselves part of the "faithful and discreet slave" and may be attempting to influence local congregations.
There was a reference to "teachers within the congregation teaching twisted things" 2 or 3 weeks back - that is also likely a shot at those "new anointed" folks.
NOTE: opinions about "new anointed" are my ideas on what the Society thinks of them; I personally don't care one way or the other what personal revelations someone has had or how they act on them.
The WTS did not start capitalizing "governing body" until the early 1970's. The phrase before then was used by the WTS to refer to the 1st century GB (of course, that phrase is not in the bible).
The WTS Board of Directors supposedly functioned as a GB but was not called that. I don't have my CD at work but that is what I remember.
The WTS also used the phrase "Jehovah's witnesses" and changed it later to "Jehovah's Witnesses"
The term servant for elders was changed to overseer in the early 70's without any fanfare.