Pretending Jesus existed and the Lord's Evening Meal is true... The Memorial is wrong...

by HowTheBibleWasCreated 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    JWs celebrate Jesus death according to 1 Corinthains 11.. Fine. Once a year since it's on the Jewish passover... fail... since thats tonight not last night but....

    Lets overlook that... JWs from New Zeland to London observed the memorial on April 2 by western clock... Of course all in the western hemisphere did this on April 3rd wheevr the sun went down. Thus a domino effect in the JW congregations took place starting at the date line going back to the same spot 24 hours later....

    Well this is pathetic in many ways... if the JWs worshipped in spirt and truth according to John 4 (I'm an atheist ... I don't care) they would observe on Jerusalem's time zone according to the Gospels and 1 Corinthians... BUT they dont...

  • fukitol
    JW's certainly do not celebrate Jesus death according to 1 Corinthians 11. All Christians were commanded to partake and all did back then. In the Bible there were no mere 'observers' rejecting the bread and wine as it went past. To say you are a 'true Christian' yet reject the emblems is absolutely laughable scripturally.
  • CookieMonster

    This is exactly what I was thinking, if they want to stay true to the date it must be celebrated according to Jerusalem's time zone. If this is not necessary the it can be equally celebrated any time of the year, weekly too like Christendom.

    Also it seems that the talks are getting more and more direct, practically saying do not take the emblems. Why is it that the early Christians get to be anointed by default while after 1935 you have to have this "special calling" ? The whole thing didn't make much sense to me when I was regular I just brushed it aside. When I look back at it with an open and critical mind the whole thing falls apart.

  • cappytan

    On modern calendars they mark the Passover on the correct day. However, Jewish days are from sunset to sunset. So this year, the Passover started Friday evening and lasted all day Saturday until sunset. That's why the Passover is marked as Saturday (this year) because the majority of the hours occur on that day. It's confising, but just think of sunset as the equivalent of our midnight. So no matter how idiotic JWs are, so long as they observed the occasion this year after sunset on Friday, they observed it on the correct date.

    No matter what the time zone, the date is the date.

    Theres plenty of other bullsh!t teachings to criticize them on. Let's at least use one that has some legs to stand on other than the timing of the memorial.

  • Phizzy

    "So no matter how idiotic JWs are, so long as they observed the occasion this year after sunset on Friday, they observed it on the correct date."

    But they claimed it was Nisan 14, after sundown on Friday night.Not according to our Jewish friends, it was Nisan 15.

    Now the JW/WT religion claims they do not adhere to what modern Jews say as to the date,but stick to the 1st century system of calculating it if this is so, then what they have to do is observe, in Jerusalem, the new Moon to establish Nisan 1, then fix Nisan 14.

    How can they possibly do this a year in advance ? It may be cloudy in Jerusalem when they think Nisan 1 2016 will be, in which case they could not observe the New Moon.

    But they will soon publish the Memorial date for next year, if they have not already done so.

    JW's are full of B.S, and get 99.99999% of things totally wrong.

  • Crazyguy
    Well just remember JW's have the most amazing escape clause, when their doctrine is back up against a wall and it seems they have no out but to admit they are wrong they just say " the new testament was written for only Christian's", ie only the 144k. Yep that's how they get around their screwed up doctrines. "Stupid is as stupid does." Forest Gump

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