Can changing religions make you sick?

by Snoozy 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Snoozy

    Can changing religions make you sick? Just heard this on TV. I can't find anything on it on yahoo.

    I was just thinking this would be a wonderful excuse the JW's will use to get people to stay/come back. I am sure it will be or has been an article they present in their Watchtower to try and scare their followers.What do you think?

    I am still watching for it to hit the computer info..



    I think many of us undergo a lot of stress when leaving or changing a religion. And stress can definitely make you sick.

  • ziddina
    "Can changing religions make you sick? ..."

    Only if you're leaving a high-control cult that will hold your family hostage in an effort to force you to toe the line and keep your mouth shut about your doubts and concerns...

    Of course, you're absolutely correct, Snoozy, the Watchtower Society will crow about this tidbit as verification of their closed-minded, controlling policies....


  • little witch
    little witch

    I think so...Mind You, I also respect a difference between spirituality and religion. To me, spirituality is a journey and is personal. I am never hurt by spiritual growth or change.

    Religion is to my mind dominated. I will not be dominated.... It would hurt me and make me sick to be dominated by religion. Does that make sense?


  • WTWizard

    Changing religion is a stressor. So yes, it can make you sick.

    However, remaining a witless is an even bigger stressor. It is a lesser stressor to deep-six a bad religion than to continue to be without sleep, wasting all your time on door knocking, and being told you aren't doing enough. Also, Christmas is listed as a stressor agent (so is a vacation), but again it's a lesser stressor if you accept it rather than trying to fight it all the time. And for sure, if your child is going to be molested and silenced in the religion, it is far less a stressor to dump the religion.

  • WTWizard

    Fact is, changing religions is a relatively minor stressor. Changing church activity ranks right up there with taking out a small loan or minor disagreement with your boss, and less than a change in work schedule. Which may mean quitting the witlesses gives you negative net stress, when factoring in the constant changes of work schedule the witlesses want out of you so you can pio-sneer.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Religion in general has that effect on me.

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