THE WATCHTOWER ? DECEMBER 1, 2010 page 11 He Knows "the Heart of the Sons of Mankind"
They extol the greatness of Solomon in connection with prayer 2 CHRONICLES 6:29, 30
But look at today's daily text.
by booby 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
THE WATCHTOWER ? DECEMBER 1, 2010 page 11 He Knows "the Heart of the Sons of Mankind"
They extol the greatness of Solomon in connection with prayer 2 CHRONICLES 6:29, 30
But look at today's daily text.
I don't have a textbook anymore. You'll have to scan it.
If He messes with my Sons he will get his ass kicked! LOL
Talking about daily texts..I will never forget the almost totally deaf brother that the congregation sent over to comfort hubby when he had cancer..he was so deaf he couldn't hear hubby and hubby was so weak he couldn't talk loud. He only came once but I will never forget the daily text he read to hubby that was all about a woman having a menstral cycle..
What that had to do with comforting my hubby I don't know. The guy was too deaf to ask..
Friday, October 1
Heshouldnotincreasehorsesforhimself.. . .Heshouldalsonotmultiplywivesforhimself.-Deut.17:16, 17.
Increasing his horses would show that the king depended upon military might to protect the nation instead of depending on Jehovah, the Protector. And multiplying wives would be dangerous because some of them could be from surrounding pagan nations that engaged in false worship, and those wives could turn the king aside from the true worship of Jehovah. Solomon did not heed those warnings. Rather, he did what Jehovah specifically said kings should not do. He accumulated thousands of horses and horsemen. (1 Ki. 4:26) He also came to have 700 wives and 300 concubines, many from the pagan nations nearby. These "inclined his heart to follow other gods; and his heart did not prove to be complete with Jehovah." As a result, Jehovah said that he would "without fail rip the kingdom away" from Solomon.-1 Ki. 11:1-6, 11. w09 3/15 1:12, 13
Booby, since WT has always built up Solomon as favored by god and being "the wisest man" why the sudden change of pointing out Solomon's disobedience? I don't recall that any religion has really brought the diobediences up for discussion. Do you think it's odd?
I think that because they try to cover all the angles that they get themselves into these conundrums all the time. Just proof that they play this game on the fly and don't know there left hand from the right.
Solomon was wise, because he was a clever businessman. He made commerce of all his wives. He married a lot of foreign women and had foreign concubines because it made for good political connections with other nations. Eventually Solomon built religius temples for all the various gods of his many wives. This insured a good commerce as many people would journey far to come to Solomon's elaborate temples for their gods. This brought in a lot of trade for local commerce. Everybody in Solomon Town made lotsa money from the venture and from all the foreign travel coming in. $$$ hotels, restaurants, idol makers, gift shops, hookers.... Just like the tent revivals of faith healers today.
A little history on solomon's seal