Hello guys! I have been MIA for a while, but now I'd like to share my new situation and get some feedback: Last year, I was diagnosed with rapid cycling bipolar disorder. My husband (who is not a JW) and my very JW family didn't take it seriously. I went without meds for a few months before I ended up in a mental hospital. After that, both my husband and my family got involved with my treatment. It's been a year sincie my hospitalization and my situation hasn't imporved. My husband and I are separated because he can't deal with my illness and my mother keeps hounding me about coming back to the "truth". She tells me that the only way I'm going to get better is to embrace Jehovah. This is a very long story, which I will explain in lenght in a later thread. I'm very manic and can't concentrate right now. Does anyone know what kind of info the WT gives to JW's on how to deal with bipolar? I've read a few articles and they are right on the money. What I don't understand is why my mother won't stop hounding me about coming back. Any suggestions on what I can say to her? Help!
Haven't posted in a while...
by LunaFing 7 Replies latest jw friends
I can think of words for your mother but sadly they're not really repeatable on here....you need lots of loving support hun...
Loz x
It's a shame you are mostly on your own to deal with this. Bump your thread a few times right into Monday in case the information you seek will come from posters that aren't here yet. WTS gives generic counsel on various illnesses that need counseling and mental-illness drugs and treatment. They say they are to give Bible (WT) type of advice first. But they might have some information. I don't do the WT-Library anymore. It's a hard rule with me now, but some still do, maybe Blondie will come around.
Please please please seek out other ex-JW's as friends. Use this forum and try meetup.com for your own area. You can use some friends.
life is to short
I am so sorry for what you are going through but going back will not help you. Have you tried to get counseling besides meds. You need support and you will never get it at the KH. Do you have any support groups in your area? I know I joined one and it really dose help even if it is not totally what is happening in your life just meeting and making friends with non JW's is huge.
I wish I knew what to say to have this all go away but I don't. Just know my thoughts are with you.
little witch
Yeah, what Loz said....
Know that you are not alone, even if it feels that way sometimes. You need a support system. Neighbors, friends, support groups. The watchtower or anyone connected to it will not help you. You need friends, and understanding and I am so sorry that Your Mom's "fix" is her hober gawd...
A physical illness needs a physical solution, not a religious one. I hope You the love and respect that You deserve finds You. Peace and love to you!
LW is right in saying that medical issues require medical solutions.
Don't go off your medication in order to make someone at the KH happy.
no more kool aid
It sounds like you have not found the right medication combination as of yet. I think the WT society has become more enlightened in recent years and would recommend a person take their meds as ordered. However the JW lifestyle is what I think is quite harsh on a person. Think about it you can never do enough, meetings and prepare for meetings, socialize after the meeting, go out in service, prepare for service, clean the car the night before. Go to the assembly, volunteer while you are there, keep those kids quite for 8 hours, wake up early iron clothes and make lunch. Be at work Monday morning, set a good example while you are there and witness to your co workers. The list is endless!
It just doesn't allow for that balance that you need of working, rest, exercise, good nutrition. When you are manic you try to accomplish all the above and when you are depressed you feel guilty that you can't accomplish even one of them. Then you have many judgemental eyes upon you. Tell you mother any extra pressure right now is definitly not what you need, don't know if she will accept that or not. I hope you find a regimen that works well for you soon. NMKA
What I don't understand is why my mother won't stop hounding me about coming back. Any suggestions on what I can say to her? Help!
Your mom thinks she knows best. If you don't want to go back to the Watchtower, just firmly tell her that you don't want to talk about it. If you repeat it enough, she'll get the message. Don't worry yourself with a detailed explanation. You have enough to worry about just taking care of yourself.