some who have talked about the new songs might find this interesting/funny

by booby 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • booby

    Dear Friends,

    The first song for this week's Watchtower Study is song #46. It's an old "familiar" one (song #33 in the "Sing Praises to Jehovah" songbook) - of course with new words. And since it starts out so familiar we at our meeting today sang it from the bottom of our hearts - just as we used to. That throughout the song sometimes a note is a bit longer or shorter than before was not so much of a problem. Only if you are a keen observer (or if you can read music) you'll notice this. But then came the last line on the second page. This line - SURPRISE! - has changed completely! This resulted in us still trying to continue singing it the old way while the piano player on our CD had already stopped playing. Yes, we sang the new words, but tried to match them to the old, much longer melody in our minds.

    Perhaps a good idea is to sing along beforehand at home using the Society's recording even though you might think it is an "old" song.

  • booby

    that is from a Yahoo group

  • Sayswho

    OMG...can we get together in groups and practice together?...unsupervised? How about not screwing up the songs in the first place then we would not have to worry about not being able to sing along!!!


  • TheLoveDoctor

    the new songs suck, slow and people dont like change never mind when you take something away they enjoy like many of the songs removed

  • WTWizard

    How about removing the CD and putting a Christmas CD in its place? That ought to pxxx off a few hounders, and the songs will be much easier to sing.

  • miseryloveselders

    Every meeting is hilarious to me now with the song book. I swear, EVERY meeting the singing is atrocious. The song, "This Is the Way", is starting to become an annoyance to me. I think I've heard it more than any of the other songs. For one reason or another it seems to be the popular song amongst WT heavys. I friggin hate that song. Terrible. Yesterday I just gave up during the song. I just read along while others in attendance butchered the prebutchered songs.

  • CuriousButterfly

    I do have to say I am SO not liking the new songs, who in the world thought they were good enough to record?


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