I wanted to share a sucess story with you all:
All my life i have been terrifiled of the sea, i was ok if i could keep my feet on the bottom but once out of my depth even by an inch i paniked!
I would have reocccuring nightmares about drowning or the sea coming to get me. I never saw "Jaws" or films like that so i can't blame them, but i'm sure alot of it was to do with the JW culture i grew up in were i was basicaly taught that everything non JW was out to get me.
the past two years i have been in Cyprus and i've been in the sea alot. Wether its the repeated exposure to the sea, the yoga i do strengthening my body or the fact that i''ve taken up snorkelling but at some point in the past month... my fear of the sea just went away.
i didn't really notice it had gone untill one day i found myself hungerily ploughing into the deep blue water ahead of me, curious as to what i would find and suddenly my freind behind me that i was with got scared and insisted on turning back. Seems she didn't like that we had swum right from one cove to another, were in water of 20-30 ft and she was scared of the sea snakes down below us. I watched she franticaly pointing back the way we had come to show she wanted to go back, her eyes big with fear in her snorkel mask and i thought " what is your problem?!!"
It only occurred to me later what a massive breakthrough this was. A life long fear that has haunted me finaly overcome.
Now i find myself egarly slicing through the water to get away from the shallows. The wall of deep blue ahead of me now no longer holds fear... it holds excitment and delight!