I paid for the America Everything Package! I'm pissed! I'm going to miss Sons of Anarchy this week! ...and other shows... What to do?
Lost FX and National Geographic on Dish Network
by MsDucky 9 Replies latest social entertainment
Which is better Direct TV or AT&T Uverse? I'm thinking about dropping Dish!
I'm going to miss Sons of Anarchy this week!
Maybe you'll discover some quality programming to take it's place...
I have tried and tried to watch this show. I want to like it. It's just not, well... it ain't good. I'll watch a couple of episodes and give up. Then everyone gets to talking about it again, so I give it another shot and it's no better. I don't know why I don't get it while a lot of other people like it. But then again, millions of people actually liked American Idol. I guess anything's possible.
We have DirecTV and like it. I saw that Dish and Fox had a problem.
I tried to watch American Idol. I think that I got into it for one season. *sigh* I think that the only reality TV show that I watch is The Real Housewives of Atlanta. Well, that's not entirely true. I do watch Billy the Exterminator, Hoarders, Survivorman, Man vs Wild, etc. . .
I contacted DISK support and they said that fox tried to jack up the price for RX & NATGEO by 50% and they are currently in negotiations with them because that is to high of a hike and want to keep prices down for customers. They asked to give them some time to work through negotiations.
I told them I would give them a few weeks but will also start paying more attention to the sweet deals directtv keeps sending me trying to get me to switch.
We have DirecTV and like it. I saw that Dish and Fox had a problem.
Blondie, when I called Dish today, they told me to go to http://www.jointhefightagainstfox.com . Like that's going to help me out. . .
Hulu.com says "We are able to post Season 3 episodes of Sons of Anarchy 30 days after air, starting October 7."
I hope that helps.
I told them I would give them a few weeks but will also start paying more attention to the sweet deals directtv keeps sending me trying to get me to switch.
Stealth, AT&T U-Verse sounds good too. They are offering me money to try it. It's tempting.