I need a change

by Newborn 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Newborn

    Have you ever felt you need to change your life? Your routines? Have you just broken up and moved and changed your work etc?

    Of course it was a major change to leave the borg but it's more than 2yrs ago and I feel I need to change my life again...

    I've the same job since 12 yrs. It's a great job with the best colleagues and good salary etc. But I live far away from the rest of my family and I really don't feel motivated at my work any more...

    However, it's a big step and scary to leave my comfortable life here. My nice apartment and my friends. What to do?

    I just know I can't continue like this...

    Thanks for your thoughts.


  • OnTheWayOut

    The economy is in the toilet. If you want to radically change things, do it slowly before quitting your job. Plan ahead.

    If you can just hold off the major changes, change a few things. Take some long weekends to see family or get a vacation in the tropics (or wherever you would like to go). Join a dance workout or a book club or something. If you are more daring, look to join motorcycle enthusiasts or take up a sport like raquetball or marathon running.

    Do not decide to go out and buy a house right now, with you feeling that you might want to move away from it all. But feel free to redecorate your apartment.

  • nelly136

    maybe you could join a club or do an evening course or two, if you dont work weekends maybe

    plan days out away from home, a weekend away once in a while to somewhere you havent been and fancy going.

    sometimes a change is as good as a rest.

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