they say every person in the org was pick by jehova so thats that mean that the kids that leave the truth are not?.?.?. i dont get that i ask couple elders and they don't have a answear.... if everybody is pick by jehova why preach.?.?.?
some of my Q's
by antes8080 8 Replies latest jw friends
Good question. Welcome to the gang.
Loz x
And "you will not be tempted beyond your ability to resist" - therefore there are no tests.
Don't be too logical.... elders, co's all hate these kind if questions... keep up the good work!
Its called religious propaganda so that you stay with the organization, without people in the organization it has no
power or money for that matter to continue on. Other religions use the same tactics to cull their followers.
If everyone is choosen by Jehovah to be in the JW's, and everyone else is "worldy" then I guess pre-destination is real and free will is merely an illussion, huh???
However, I do recall in the Bible that those thirsting for Truth would "Come to Me" (Jesus) and the truth would be made known.
- Wing Commander
I recall it was addressed this way... that a rank and file may have been drawn in, but they still retain free will and if they don't truly have and maintain those "sheeplike qualities" that they may, again of their own free will, fall away.
Ugh, why am I here?
According to JW doctrine everyone who will be saved is picked by Jehovah.
Not everyone who chooses to go to meetings has been picked by Jehovah, they may have chosen to attend meetings but they may not necessarily be saved.
Some people who do not currently attend meetings have been chosen by Jehovah but need someone to show them the way to the organisation. Angels direct the work so that these people are reached and receive the message.
Jehovah could in theory bring the people to the door but he has granted his people the pivilege of carrying out the work.
All the above is of course illogical but nevertheless it is believed by millions who go door to door to find lost sheep.
So sit back and relax and let Jehovah do the work