From page 22 (Attitudes about homosexuality may differ from one generation to another or from one land to another. But Christians aren't "carried hither and thither by every wind of teaching ." (Ephesians 4:14) Instead, they adhere to the Bible's view.) Don't you love how they use the term Christians here and how "they" aren't carried hither and thither. Yup that describes them alright. Just the one doctrine/teaching about generation blows that out of the water.
From page 7 (What the Bible says: "Now that you have put away falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor." Our closest 'neighbors' are our family members. (Ephesians 4: 25) The Bible also says that we should "love truth," "speaking the truth in [our] heart." (Zechariah 8:19; Psalm 15:2) True, telling children that Santa (or the Christ child) is the bearer of presents at Christmas may seem to be innocent fun, but is it right or wise to deceive little children, even if one's intentions are not bad?) Do you not find it ironic that an occasion that is supposedly meant to honor Jesus becomes a time to deceive children ?
Don't you love the "a time to deceive children" bit. They aren't guilty of doing that are they?