Interesting letter by JF Rutherford

by TweetieBird 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • TweetieBird
  • snowbird


    Thanks for that, TweetieBird.

    So, according to Rutherford, the interests of God's Kingdom and the interests of the American people coincide.

    Just as I have long thought.


    Edit: Make that Euro-American people.

  • snowbird

    Incidentally, the talk which he references in his letter was entitled "Face the Facts," and is what spurred 18-year old Ray Franz into full-time service as stated in COC.

    None of the predictions Rutherford made in that talk came to pass.


  • Leolaia

    That's from my Golden Age Goodies thread.

  • ProdigalSon

    Actually, this is just about the ONLY thing I've ever read about Rutherford's views that I can even remotely agree with. He seems to be saying that American freedom and liberty are Godly ideals, while totalitarian government is Satanic, and he's right about that. America was founded upon principles that will be in effect in the new world that's coming, where the rights of others, free will, and benevolence for all will be honored. The fact that America has been subverted somewhat won't matter once the negative elite warmongers are gone. We will have a world where love and compassion will be the norm. Pretty unbelievable, but there are other planets out there where they look at us and wonder how supposedly intelligent humans can act like such barbaric assholes. The Earth and it's morons are the marvel of the Milky Way.


  • snowbird
    He seems to be saying that American freedom and liberty are Godly ideals, while totalitarian government is Satanic, and he's right about that. America was founded upon principles that will be in effect in the new world that's coming, where the rights of others, free will, and benevolence for all will be honored.

    Interesting in light of the fact that approximately 1/3 of the so-called Founding Fathers were slave owners.


  • ProdigalSon

    Syl, we all know about the great injustices of slavery and its history in this country. I think it's self-explanatory that's not the Godly principles I was speaking of. The New World was founded with the intent of creating a free society where people could pursue their dreams and be all that they can be, versus the feudal system that was in place in Europe and other parts of the old world for centuries. Unfortunately it took almost a century after the founding of America to abolish slavery, but the good thing is that it did happen and we did evolve past that dark part of our history. The result was and is, a country of unprecedented greatness and prosperity where the human spirit is allowed to flourish, which we can take all the positive aspects from and move forward.


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