chilian miners to be rescued soon
by bigmac 9 Replies latest jw friends
sorry i sent post too soon.
this must (quite rightly ) be one of the most attention grabbing news stories going on this year.
wonder when the Watchtower Society will capitalise on it?
They're still alive? Hasn't it been like a month since that happened? Since they've been trapped in the mine, 300 people have been killed in Mexico's drug war, the Israelis and Palestinians have declared and broken three different cease-fires, Randy Moss has been traded to the Vikings, Ben Roethlisberger and Kobe gang raped Monica Lewinsky, the US Goverment is on the verge of admitting E.T. activity, Sylvia was in an interracial relationship, B-Rock became a Democrat, and Dark Side devoloped manners. It will be a different world the miners will be returning to since they were initially trapped.
Sylvia was in an interracial relationship ...
Boy, you done lost what little mind you had.
Wow, I just saw the capsule make its landing live. I saw the wheel stop moving and then the live image of the capsule entering into the cavern. Amazing! I thought that this is like watching the moon landing. Seeing something like that live, w/ such great engineering to accomplish something never done before. And then to see everyone down there react to see the first new person in wonderful.
The first one is up and away! And the wheel is cranking. :)
Guys, turn on CNN. This is great stuff. I haven't seen anything as exciting as this live since, what, the Berlin wall came down?
I have been told there is a WTS brother among those miners. I wonder how he is doing.
Second miner is out, still 31 more to go.
If anyone missed it, here it is to play again:!