leaving 'apostate' stuff around on the PC for the kids to see???

by Aussie Oz 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    My kids come to visit each second weekend.

    If they look at my files they could easy find my massive file on JW's (and i hope they have)

    I have recently thought of leaving as a screensaver during the visits something like an old WT cover (say, the 1914 one) or a big ''JWFACTS.COM" accross it. Or perhaps some wt quote to get them thinking...or asking questions

    in the hope of getting them to think more. Sort of like leaving something around on a coffee table...

    but am afraid this may be too blatent...

    advice please!


  • Ding

    I think it depends on how they relate to you now and how open or close minded they are.

    My own thought is that the best way to show a JW the truth about the WTS is to have them read some of the older dogmatic literature that flatly contradicts what they say today.

    Examples might be The Finished Mystery (with all the pyramidology and a 4-class rather than 2-class system) or Millions Now Living Will Never Die (on pages 89-90 confidently predicting the return of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in 1925) or "They will know that a prophet was among them" (about how the WTS is Jehovah's prophet) or prophecies about 1975.

    If you try to push it on them, they'll probably refuse to look at it.

    But if you have it lying around or on a computer screen they might look at it.

    If you have originals you might leave them lying on the table.

    Your screensaver might be some key pages from that stuff.

    If they ask you what it's all about, you can just say, "Oh, it's a Watchtower publication I was looking at."

    I wouldn't even suggest that they read it.

    Leave it up to them.

    If they ask you anything about it, show them some of the more egregious passages and tell them the passages puzzle you.

    Leave it at that.

    The goal would be to get them to start thinking for themselves.

    Hope these thoughts help...

  • oldlightnewshite

    Maybe you could take all your regular folder stuff off the desktop and put it all in a folder marrked 'stuff'. Then have a folder called 'Watchtower false promises' or whatever. The thing is, if you make the desktop picture blank, and have very little in the way of folders, your decoy folder will stand out more. The fact that you have it tucked all away in a folder will make them want to see it more, like you're trying to hide it, or that you're being discrete. Your sub folders could just read '1975 prediction' '1925 failed prophecy' etc. I would just fill 'em with jpegs, no text documents. It'll just whet their appettite.

  • 1Robinella

    I say good for you I'd leave the information on the kitchen counter with other stuff like some mail or the newspaper but make sure it's on top of everything. This way, if your cooking a meal and your kids help they will definately see it. If they ask you about it, be honest about it. If they stay the night, they may decide to check out what you left but probably won't advertise it (prolly once you went to bed). Your giving them "food for thought."lol

    For me, I have stayed the night at my parents home before and my mother has left personal items out, but I couldn't look at it even though I was kinda tempted. lol

  • asilentone

    do you have free minds journal? if not, get them.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Update 14 nov 2010

    Put jwfacts.com in the favorites bar that the kids use alongside facebook and some games they use...

    After they had gone home i checked the browser history and found that one of them (daughter i suspect) opened the site once on saturday and once on sunday...

    wonder what she thought or read!


  • nugget

    nicely done Aussie, it is a fine line because they need to find it themselves. If you push it then they will feel caught in the middle with both parent trying to indoctrinate them. I am glad that one of your children has started to find their way to the reality about the organisation, who knows they may choose to share what they know with the other.

  • garyneal
    The Finished Mystery (with all the pyramidology and a 4-class rather than 2-class system)

    Hmmm, my wife has been reading the Proclaimers book and has come across something interesting that she was going to ask the elders at her cong about. Apparently, they believed in Russell's time that some people would go to Heaven but not rule as kings and priests.

    What exactly is this 4-class system?

  • Ding

    As far as I can tell, two classes would be in Heaven: The 144,000 as kings and priests + the rest of CE faithful

    Two classes would be on earth: Patriarchs, Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon, etc. as rulers + the rest of BCE faithful

    I say "as far as I can tell" because figuring out that gibberish is quite a challenge

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