JW bust up in The House of Commons

by Geordie 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Geordie

    This one made me giggle.

    Gummer condemns 'potty' Jehovah's Witnesses

    Former Tory Cabinet minister John Gummer has triggered a row with his own front bench after launching a sharp attack on Jehovah's Witnesses .

    Mr Gummer first branded members of the fundamentalist Christian sect 'heretical and potty'.

    He then went on to add that the sect's doctrines were 'wrong' and based on the teachings of a 'crook'.

    Mr Gummer, a former member of the Church of England General Synod, said: "Jehovah Witnesses uphold something which is probably fraudulent and wrong.

    "It is perfectly right to be tolerant but not to be ignorant and Jehovah's Witnesses are based on doctrines propounded by a crook and a fraud, who was arrested and found guilty in a court."

    Tory home affairs spokesman John Bercow then told a House of Commons debate on scrapping a 200-year-old religious law: "I am neither a Jehovah's Witness nor a member of the Plymouth Brethren but many of my constituents are members of one or the other and I have the highest respect for both."

    The two Tories were then involved in a vigorous off-microphone exchange across the benches while the debate continued.

    The debate on the House of Commons (Removal of Clergy Disqualification) Bill proposes to scrap a law preventing some serving and former ministers of religion from becoming MPs.

    Story filed: 16:21 Thursday 1st March 2001

  • Scully
    Tory home affairs spokesman John Bercow then told a House of Commons debate on scrapping a 200-year-old religious law: "I am neither a Jehovah's Witness nor a member of the Plymouth Brethren but many of my constituents are members of one or the other and I have the highest respect for both."

    I wonder if Mr. Bercow realises that not one of those "many of my constituents" who "are members" of JWs voted for him.

    Love, Scully

    It is not persecution for an informed person
    to expose a certain religion as being false.
    - WT 11/15/63

    A religion that teaches lies cannot be true. -WT 12/1/91

  • Celtic

    I asked John Gummer MP for a reply concerning this some time back but never heard from him.

  • uncle jimbo
    uncle jimbo
    wonder if Mr. Bercow realises that not one of those "many of my constituents" who "are members" of JWs voted for him.

    um, scully,

    did you miss the blessed new light of Nov 1, 1999 QFR in WT.

    Praise Jah! Now, voting is a matter of conscience!

    All those poor bastards in Malawi who refused the political party cards...
    those in other countries who went to jail or paid fines for not voting....

    ...well, now it seems their sacrifice was for NOTHING and this new light could have saved them much grief. oh well. As Jehovah would say "Tough shit...get going and sell those books!"


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