I'm at work...doing my job....letting, what happens to be a JW patient know what their blood-thinner medication orders are.
Simple, yes...uncomplicated NO!!
I give them the instructions the Dr. gave me...and then...they say to me..."oh, I met your parents...they're so nice. They came over to our house with another couple."
Excuse me... my parents live over 300 km away from me, never met these other JWs I've known for the last 10 years through work! and my own parents, in my town for a week never bothered to contact me or my kids!!!
Geeze, they can exclude me for my df'ing, but why should I learn from someone at work, that my parents were in town and didn't even think about letting me or my children, or my husband (not a JW) know that they were here. How offending is that???
On a good note, though. The JW patients had nothing but good things to say about me to my parents....HUH!!!