What is true Worship? Follow-Up!

by wannabe 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wannabe

    What is True Worship?

    There are, today, some Ten Thousand various, varied, Religious Denominations and Sects, who all believe that their way of Woship is the only path to God, and true Worship. They say, that they are all different Roads, leading to the same place. They are correct about that, for they are all on the 'broad road, that leads to destruction,' according to the words of Jesus. {Matthew 7:13,14} Although it may sound like the truth, to the Millions involved with these Religions; but the question is, are they correct in their reasoning; or is there the remotest possibility, that their reasoning is seriously flawed, and rather than Worshipping Jehovah in the manner prescribed by him, are, in actuality, on a collision course with our God Jehovah, because, none of them are worshipping him the way that he himself desires to be worshipped. Afterall, I feel that he should be the one to dictate just how, he wishes to be worshipped. Wouldn't you think?

    We gain some insight into this matter, by paying close attention to a conversation Jesus had with a Samaritan Woman at the well-side. Notice now, this conversation, as it progresses between Jesus and this Woman: The Woman said to him: "Sir, I perceive that you are a Prophet. Our ForeFather's worshipped in this Mountain; but you people say that in Jerusalem is the place where persons ought to Worship. Jesus said to her: "Believe me, Woman, the hour is coming when neither in this Mountain nor in Jerusalem, will you people worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; {Trinitarians} we worship what we know because salvation originates with the Jews. Never-the-less , the hour IS COMING, and IT IS NOW, when the true worshippers will worship the Father with Spirit and Truth, for indeed, the Father is looking for such-like ones to worship him. God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him MUST WORSHIP WITH SPIRIT AND TRUTH." {John 4: 19-24} So! There's no two ways about it; Jesus had said, "We must, worship with Spirit and in Truth."

    So! We do not have any personal choices to make, it is Jehovah's Way, or, as the saying goes: "The Highway!" None others can make that choice for you, either. Such like, any of the Religious Leaders of Religious Christendom's vast array of Churches. Jehovah tells us how he wishes to be worshipped, and that is a line, all must toe; if their worship is to be found pleasing to Jehovah God. There is no other way, but worship in Spirit and in Truth; nothing but that kind of worship will do Jehovah. But just how, do we learn the way to worship in that manner? Jesus himself will aid us in understanding that, for note his next words:

    Jesus said to him: "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except THROUGH ME." So that rules out any and every Religious Organization on this earth, today, for no one can approach the Father through any one of them. We either gain our approach to the Father, through his Son, or we just do not gain approach to him. It's as simple as that! {John 14:6}

    So! The only way to learn the Truth, is to come into association, with the one who was the Way of the Truth. He pointed out, that there was no other way, but than, though him. How, though, do we manage to be allowed to approach the Christ, and why, is he the only approach to the Father? Paul will aid us in understanding that, for note what he has next, to tell us: "For there is One God, and ONE Mediator between Man and God. a Man, Christ Jesus." {1 Timothy 2:5} So, as I said, there is only one way of approach to the Father, and that way is through the Son. The one Mediator! Surprisingly enough, there is only one way to approach the Son, and was it to be true, that, that, could not be accomplished, there would be no way to worship Jehovah at all. That one, would be eternally lost. Jesus will elucidate: "No Man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him, and I will resurrect him in the last day." {John 6:44}

    Now, assuming one is drawn by Jehovah to his Son, just in what way does the Holy Spirit enter into this picture? Again, Jesus will answer that: "If you love me, you will observe my Commandments; and I will request the Father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever, the Spirit of the Truth, which the World CANNOT RECEIVE, because it neither beholds it, nor knows it. You know it because it remains with you and is in you." {John 14:15-17} Now, if you follow along with what John next reveals, you will learn, how these ones drawn, who have received the helper, the Holy Spirit, learn the truth of the Bible. {John 14:26;16:13} {1 John 2:27} While this World in general who cannot receive the Spirit of the Truth, will remain forever in Spiritual Darkness. Because they do not behold, or know the Spirit of the Truth, the Holy Spirit. It does not remain with them, nor is it in them. they are not anointed with it. They cannot receive it! As John had said: ... "The Spirit is the Truth!" {1 John 5:6} Lacking the Holy Spirit, no one could ever learn the Truth of the Bible, and to this I might add, Jesus is the only one in possession of the Holy Spirit, to use as a teaching instrument.

    That was true in the first Century, after his ascension, to his exalted glorified position to his Fathers right hand; and it is just as true, now, today. Acts 2:33 will substantiate that claim.

    We know, that at his ascension to his exalted glorified position to the right hand of his Father in the first Century, Jesus had received the promised Holy Spirit, and as a result of that, was able to carry on his guiding and directing and teaching, of the Christian Congregation; as we see from the words of Paul and John he did just that, by Revelations from the Heavenly Spirit Realm. {Acts 2:33} {Galatians 1:11,12} {Ephesians 3:3} {1 Corinthians 2:10} {Revelation 1:1,2}

    What he was able to do in the first Century after his ascension, he is able to do now, today, as well, for he said himself; "I am with you always, even unto end of the age, or conclusion of our system of things." {Matthew 28:20} Then, too, he had stated: "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst." {Matthew 18:20} So, according to those words, he has been invisibly present ever since his ascension in the first century. Is that not correct? But the situation of this World remains the same. Not being able to receive of the Holy Spirit, because Jehovah is not drawing them to his Son, the one Mediator, they know nothing about the pure worship of Jehovah, in Spirit and in Truth. That Holy Spirit does not remain with them, nor is it in them; hence they forever remain Spiritually Blind to the true pure Worship Jehovah requires in Spirit and in Truth.

    Consider, if you will, just how the Holy Spirit works as a teaching instrument, on each individual who has received it from the Father at the request of Jesus, after being drawn to him: "But the helper, the Holy Spirit, which the Father will send IN MY NAME, that one will teach you ALL THINGS and bring back to your minds all the things I told you." {John 15:15} Do not miss the point Jesus is drawing out here. The Holy Spirit, the true principle, teaching instrument, is gained only through the name of Jesus. It cannot be gained in any other way, but than through the name of Jesus. At John 16:13 Jesus continues, with these next words: "However, when that one arrives, the Spirit of the Truth, he will guide you into ALL THE TRUTH, for he will not speak of his own impulse, but what things he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the THINGS COMING." Notice in John 14:16 this Holy Spirit was to be with them, and in them forever. At 1 John 2:27 John clarifies that for us, in these following words: "And as for you, the Anointing you received from him remains in you, and you DO NOT NEED ANYONE TO BE TEACHING YOU; but AS THE ANOINTING FROM HIM IS TEACHING YOU ABOUT ALL THINGS; and is true and is no lie, and just as it has taught you, remain in union with him."

    Now notice what Jesus had said to those early Jews that had believed him: "If you remain in MY WORD, you are really my disciples, and you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free." {John 8:31,32} Those early Jews had been Slaves under the Mosaic Law, but the Truth as Jesus had taught it, set them all free from the Old Law, and they had separated themselves from the Jews who had rejected Jesus, and insisted on clinging to a Law that had now ended, and the New Law Covenant that would be establised by virtue of his precious Blood had now come into force. {Romans 10:4} They rejected. That was because, their Worship now, was in Spirit and in Truth, that not only involved the Jewish Nation, but now had taken ALL NATIONS into consideration; not only the Jews. The Worship of Spirit and in Truth was now expected from ALL the Nations, as well as the Jews. Evidenced by the words of Jesus just prior to his ascension. {Matthew 28:18-20} Whatever Religious teacher it is on this earth, that tries to usurp the power and position of the true Messiah, making claim to represent Jesus and speaking for him; you shut up your ears to anything that he would say or teach; because as pointed out here, we must remain in the Words of Jesus, delivered now by the Holy Spirit; only in his hands. We reject everything else, but that. Thereby remaining in union with him.

    It is, as Paul said it was at 2 Corinthians 3:5,6 "Not that we of ourselves are adequately qualified to reckon anything as issuing from ourselves, but our being adequately qualified issues from God, who has indeed adequately qualified us to be Ministers of a New Covenant, not of a written code, but of SPIRIT; for the written code condemns to death, but the Spirit makes alive."

    Prior to coming in under the New Foretold Law Covenant, they were all dead in their trespasses and sins committed while under the Old Law Covenant. {Jeremiah 31:31-34} Paul made this clear while addressing people of the Nations at Ephesians 2:1-7 with these following words: "Furthermore, {it is} you {God made alive} though you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you at one time walked according to the system of things of this World, according to the ruler of the Authority of the Air, the Spirit that now dwells in the Son's of disobedience. Yes, among them WE ALL CONDUCTED OURSELVES IN HARMONY WITH THE DESIRES OF OUR FLESH, DOING THE THINGS WILLED BY THE FLESH AND THE THOUGHTS, AND WE WERE NATURALLY CHILDREN OF WRATH EVEN AS THE REST. But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love with which he loved us, made us alive together with the Christ, even when we were dead in trespasses-- by undeserved kindness you have been saved -- and he raised us up together and seated us together in the Heavenly Places in union with Christ Jesus. That in the coming System of things there might be demonstrated the surpassing riches of his undeserved kindness in his graciousness toward us in union with Christ Jesus."

    It bodes well to consider, to just whom Paul was addressing his words to here. Religious Christendom will apply these words of Paul to themselves, but such is not the case, at all, as he will make clear in his following words: "For all who are led by God's Spirit, these are God's Son's. For you did not receive a Spirit of Slavery causing fear again, but you received a Spirit of adoption as Son's, by which Spirit we cry out; "ABBA," Father!" The Spirit itself bears witness with our Spirit that we are God's Children. If then, we are Children, we are also HEIRS; heirs indeed of God, but JOINT HEIRS with Christ, provided we suffer together that we may also be glorified together. Consequently I reckon that the sufferings of the present season do not amount to anything in comparison with the glory that is to be revealed in us. For the eager expectation of the creation is waiting for the revealing of the Son's of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not by its own will but through him that subjected it, on the basis of hope that the creation itself also will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the Children of God. For we know that all creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now. Not only that, but we ourselves WHO HAVE THE FIRSTFRUITS, NAMELY THE SPIRIT, yes we ourselves groan within ourselves, while we are earnestly waiting for ADOPTION AS SON'S, the release from our bodies by ransome." So! Paul's words were spoken directly to the Heavenly Calling; both from among the Jews, as well, those chosen out from among the Nations. As Paul will tell us: "Symeon has related thoroughly how God for the first time turned his attention to the Nations to take out of them a People for his name." {Acts 15:14} Those that would rule as Joint heirs, as Kings and Priests for the thousand year period. All of these, were the 'Firstfruits to God,' and would be adopted as his Son's. Through the first resurrection. "The release from our bodies by ransom." Through that first resurrection. {Romans 8:14-25} {Revelation 5:9,10;20:6}

    Religious Christendom could not possibly play any part in this, scenario in that they, do not know the Holy Spirit, nor does it remain with them, nor is it in them. Evidenced by their false teachings of a Trinity of God's, an Immortal Soul, torment in a fiery Hell for all eternity. Their viscious War-like record! It is as Jesus told us, it is! The World CANNOT RECEIVE THE SPIRIT OF THE TRUTH! It neither beholds it, nor knows it. So, Religious Christendom would never learn how to worship in Spirit and in Truth; that kind of worship would be just as foreign to them as it was to those early Jews, who clung to their own way of worship, under a Law they never applied, or followed themselves. {Acts 17:18-20} The Apostle Stephen made that clear to them when they stoned him to death, for speaking the Truth to them. {Acts7:53-58 We see from this account in Acts how the truth affected those early Jews. They gnashed their teeth at him and put their hands over their ears, so as not to hear the words of Stephen. that were condemning them all. {Acts 7:51-53}

    Religious Christendom will reveal her true colors, just prior to the Christ taking Kingdom Power; when all of his true followers, will be, as Jesus had predicted: "Then People will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be hated by ALL NATIONS ON ACCOUNT OF MY NAME." These hated ones, turn out to be, the only ones who continued to hold to their positions,

    in union with the Christ. They were hated because they knew all about, just how to Worship in Spirit and in Truth, and their worship condemned the entire realm of Religious Christendom. As it did those early Jews. That is what will bring about the hatred for them, just prior to the Christ intervening; and bringing them all to absolute ruin. When they least expect it, they will all learn, what really true Worship is all about. But too late to do them all any good. {Matthew 24:44} {Mark 13:35,36} {Luke 12:40}

    For what other reasons, besides not having the Holy Spirit, remaining in them, and with them, would Religious Christendom, not understand anything about Worshipping in Spirit and in Truth? The Apostle Paul will explain that, in these following words of his: "If, now, the good news we declare is in fact veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, among whom the god of this system of things {satan the devil} has blinded the minds of the unbelievers that the illumination of the glorious good news about the {glory} of Christ who is the image of God might not shine through." {2 Corinthians 4:3,4} but blinded minds is one thing, it gets even worse for them, which John will explain, as he continues with even more reason for this blindness: "We know we originate with God, but the whole World is lying in the power of the wicked one." {1 John 5:19} To that, John adds, again: "So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called devil and satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him." {Revelation 12:9}

    Obviously, held in the power of satan the devil, blinded and misled by him as they are, they could never understand what true worship is all about, nor little else about true Bible teachings; they would be blinded to the entire message of the Bible. Sad Story! But true Story! Lacking the true principle teaching instrument, the Holy Spirit, worship in Spirit and in Truth would be virtually impossibe for them to do, or know anything at all about. For no one could know the Truth without the Holy Spirit, because, as John had said: "The Holy Spirit is the Truth." {1John 5:6}

    Jesus had told that Samaritan Woman, that way of worship was to come again, and we know the majority of the Jews rejected that way of Worship, just as Religious Christendom does now; because it is here now, otherwise I would never be able to write this article; and there's a good bet, no one will believe, or accept it now, either. Just like those early Jews didn't! {John 4:23}

    Nothing has changed! ... "Indeed the Father is looking for suchlike ones to worship him. They "must Worship with Spirit and truth." {John 4:24} That, is true Worship. The question now, is: Are we striving to worship in the manner that God requires, or, do we rather favor the broad road that will lead us to destruction?{Matthew 7:13,14}

    `Through the Pen of the Apostle Paul, Jehovah tells us the following: `Therefore get out from among them, and separate yourselves, says Jehovah, and quit touching the unclean thing, and I will take you in, and I shall be a Father to you, and you will be Son`s and Daughters to me, says Jehovah`the Almighty." {2 Corinthians 6:16,17}

    What Jehovah told the Israelite Nation is just as true today, for he said to them: "I do take the Heavens and the earth as witnesses against you today, that I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and YOU must choose life in order that you make keep alive, you and your offspring, by loving Jehovah your God, by listening to his voice and by sticking to him; for he is your life and the length of your days, that you may dwell upon the ground that Jehovah swore to your forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to give to them." {Deuteronomy 30: 19,20}

    So! We have the choice between the two roads! One is cramped and narrow, and very difficult to negotiate and leads to everlasting life, while the other, broad and spacious leading to everlasting death. Is that too difficult a choice to make? But! Like the ancient Israelite Nation, he gives us free choice. Follow any one of the Religions in Christendom's great system of Religion, and lose your life; but be found worshipping Jehovah in Spirit and in Truth, and you will gain life eternal upon a new cleansed paradise earth; for as the Psalmist wrote: The righteous will inherit the earth and reside forever upon it." {Psalm 37:29} {John 17:3} So, follow the direction of Jesus given at Luke 13:24, to: "Exert yourselves Vigorously to get in through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will seek to get in but will not be able."

    So! What is true Worship? Where are all of those, that follow that way of Worship today? One thing can be said, with absolute certainty; that way of worship cannot be found among any of the Ten Thousand divided Religions of Religious Christendom. I have made the reasons for that very clear, in this writing; as to where, and exactly whom these ones are, and where they are to be found today, will be the subject of my follow up article, on True Worship, already on the board. Wannabe

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