Yoga 'demonic'? Critics call ministers' warning a stretch

by Nathan Natas 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Please see this article from the Seattle Times, and be sure to read the comments.

    This article shows us a way that we can help The WATCHTOWR BIBLE &TRACT SOCIETY spread its message.

    We know what they teach; we have the references and past publications.

    Since the loyal dubs are "shy", we can "assist" them by presenting WATCHTOWER teachings whenever a suitable subject come up in the news.

    By providing the proper "zinger twist" at the end of our comment, we can help alert the public to the wacky teachings of this dangerous mind-control cult.

    It's a good thing, and our efforts will be richly blessed.

    Let us go therefore, and spread this good news to the farthest reaches of the internet.

  • ProdigalSon

    Fundamentalist idiots! Just close your eyes and quiet your chattering mind and da debil will get ya!

    Under the etymology of the word "yoke", you will find the Sanskrit yuga... so the word yoga comes from the same root word and means "communion with God", something an Orthodox Christian will never see. It is this direct knowledge of God that Jesus was esoterically speaking of here:

    "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." ~Matthew 11:29,30.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Interesting wording about yoke. It is a brining together of two beings.

  • yknot

    I heard this on the radio the other morning......

    I thought gosh.... did somebody place a really old pub with this man!!!

    Anywho the 'Xian' radio girl summed it up pretty well...... "yea on the spiritual side I get what he is saying but most 'yoga' classes in the US are pretty much just stretching with moments of silence."

    Frankly if he is going to go that way on the matter he needs to start denouncing wedding rings, windchimes, heart shape, holidays and whatnot!

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