THANKS L I S A FOR YOUR HELF...AS A YOUNGUN I WAS disf. 2xs and on public reproof 3xs before 21 yrs...then 10 yrs ago I did it to myself dissassociated..LISA was never babtized so the babe does not count as far as the organizational rules and regulations are concerned..gossip had it in the Glendale, Ca. congregation I LINDA KERSEY was forward and aggressive and oversexed before age 14 and I was still a virgin--age 15 then I made good the gossip mostly with the worldly dudes..GOT HITCHED to LISAs pappy now decd and another story and chapter in my book the one I aint writ yet..GOT UNHITHCHED WHEN SWEET LISA was about 7 yrs old..have been celibate and single mumy since--22 yrs now..I sleep in a single bed alone--I made my bed now I must sleep in it..THAT IS THE WAY IY IS FOLKS..I told mine now tell yours!!! QUEENIE aka badassmum
by QUEENIE 9 Replies latest jw friends
I don't think we have even seen the most scandalous ones yet.
If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?
nobody IS OWNING up to it yet...oh well GOD knows doesn"t HE --- might as come clean and confess..Ya can run but ya can not hide!!! I hope all will have a nice day--i know LISA (daughter) I and Mamie kitty WILL..
IMO, it was the 2nd President, J.F.Rutherford. Drunken, cigar smokin', Cadillac drivin', big mansion livin' in LUNATIC!!
we didnt have much scandal in our little town. about the most scandalous thing that happened was a few years back. this couple have been in the hall for years and years. their daugther was a regular pioneer that lived with them even though she was near 40 years old she had never lived on her own. they took care of her needs since she was pioneering.
anyway the wife got sick with cancer and died very shortly after. it was a shock to everyone because they both were pretty healthy and only like in their 60's. they had been married for over 40 years and everyone worried that the poor husband would be lost without her so they tried keeping him busy and supporting the best they could.
well a few weeks after the funeral would you believe that he started dating one of the daughters best friends!? she is also a regular pioneer and one of the supposedly most spiritual minded sisters in the hall. she was recently divorced and her husband df'd. so the next thing you know they are getting married! yup. the woman is younger than his daughter.
so they have this big wedding with everyone in the congregation showing their support and stuff. behind closed doors of course everyone was whispering behind their backs but you wouldnt have known it. it was disgusting to me that the wife had not even been dead for a couple of months before they got engaged. my mom said everyone felt like they were betraying the wife who they had been friends with for years by attending the wedding but they went anyway.
anyway thats about as scandalous as it gets in that small town.
Here I am on the other side of the Atlantic, about 7,000 miles from you, and even I have heard about Glendale!!!
Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink by Monty Python.
Man: Evening, squire!
Man with hat: Good evening.
Man: Is your wife a goer? Eh? Know what I mean? Know what I mean? Nudge, nudge! Know what I mean? Say no more!
Man with hat: I-I...I beg your pardon?
Man: Your...your wife. Does she go,eh? Does she go, eh? Eh?
Man with hat: Huh, sometimes she has to go, yes.
Man: I bet she does! I bet she does! Say no more! Say no more! Know what I mean? Nudge, nudge!
Man with hat: I'm afraid I don't quite follow you...
Man: Oh, "follow me, follow me"? That's good, that's very good! A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat!
Man with hat: Are...are you selling something?
Man: "Selling, selling"...very good indeed! You're wicked, you are, eh? Wicked, eh? Ho-ho-ho! Whoa! Wicked! Say no more!
Man with hat: Huhuh?
Man: Whoa! So your wife's interested sport? Eh?
Man with hat: Ah, she likes sport, yes.
Man: I bet she does! I bet she does!
Man with hat: As a matter of fact, she's very fond of cricket.
Man: She likes "games", eh? Likes "games"? Knew she would, she's been around a bit, eh? She's been around?
Man with hat: Well, she has travelled, yes. She's from Glendale.
Man: Say no more! Glendale, squire? Say no more! Say no more! Say no more! Say no more!
Man with hat: Well...
Man: Whoa! Is your Glendale wife interested Eh? Eh? Eh?
Man with hat: Photography?
Man: "Photographs, eh?" he asked him knowingly!
Man with hat: Photography?
Man: Snap, snap, grin, grin, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more!
Man with hat: Sort snaps, eh?
Man: They could be, they could be taken on holiday, you know! Swimming costumes, know, "candid" photography?
Man with hat: No, we don't have a camera!
Man: Ah. Still, whoahaah! Eh? Whoahaah! Eh? Whoahaah! Eh? Whoahaahaha! Huhuh!
Man with hat: Look, are you insinuating something?
Man: Oh, no, no, no...yes!
Man with hat: Well?
Man: Why, I mean, you're a man of the world, squire, you''ve been around, you know?
Man with hat: What do you mean?
Man: Well, I mean, like, you' know,'ve done it, you've slept...with a lady?
Man with hat: Yes.
Man: What's it like?
Told you!
..From the scepter'd Isle kept free by 2 fins and 4 Merlins.
The most scandalous JW* ever** is in fact the evil, barbaric, illogical, hateful, cunning, deceitful, spiteful, proud, vengeful, unforgiving, invisible, depraved, sexist, bestial, idiotic, unpredictable, genocidal mass-murderer Watchtower supreme cult-leader himself:
* Of course Jehovah-of-the-Watchtower is a JW, just as much as Osama bin Laden is one of Al-Qaeda even though he never joined it (he founded it). Also, "He" witnessed himself, and "His Name" serves as a witness. Additionally, see Judges 11:10, 1 Samuel 12:5.
** The argument that this abcess does not exist while true is irrelevant: the malevolent deity is REAL (or pretended real) ENOUGH to millions of brainwashed dubs, who then act, unwittingly in the case of the Sheep Class (and maliciously in the case of the Wolf Class) carrying out its foul family-destroying, hate-spreading agenda.
I apologize to those who understand the true nature of Watchtowerinanity for the mildness of my words. I would have expressed myself even more clearly, but did not wish to disturb the sensibilities of some here who do not, as yet, see things for what they are.
(The Filthy Dog-"God" of the Watchtower deserves only our CONTEMPT! Class) -
"...but did not wish to disturb the sensibilities of some here who do not, as yet, see things for what they are."
Good idea, yet lots of Them have been "disturbed" by TheList of Words. Raw Truth is not for Everyone. It can be "deadly" even.
sKally, Filthy Apostate Klass
Some day I will tell the story. His name was Roy Robinson.
WTBS lawyers will recognise that name.
BTW, Watchtower legal. . . . . You know probably one third of the story.