Have you ever noticed that people who are not to be completely trusted always have boogeymen? I've learned over the years that boogeymen and liars walk hand-in-hand, every single time.
dubs have Satan, Demons and the beliefs of virtually every other religion and philosophy
dubs leaders have "apostates" and their followers (Yes. They don't even trust their own members.)
Religions in general have a thing called "facts" as their boogeyman
Liberals have "Corporations", neo-cons, lower taxes, Liberty, individual initiative and common sense
neo-Cons have "Communists", Liberals, higher taxes, Governments messing with their Corporate Welfare tax breaks, "Weapons of mass destruction" and common sense
Hillary has a "vast right-wing conspiracy" all for herself! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!
Obama has George Bush
George Bush had Sadaam Hussein
wackos have all sorts of things: tri-lateral commissions, black helicopters, new world orders, shadow governments, micro-chip brain implants, etc.
Racist blacks have "whitey"
Racist whites have "blackey"
The working class have their management
Management has their working class
The French have everyone who isn't French
Muslim wackos have "the great Satan", i.e. the Western Civilization. Most Muslims are wackos. They just lie about it.
Jews have the Palestinians and the Palestinians have the Jews
Most dictators cannot become dictators until they can come up with a boogeyman they can make be believable and sold to the masses
The common folks have politicians. Oh, wait! They ARE boogeymen!
It just seems to be human nature to feel like one has to carry around their own particular boogeyman all the time. Some people cannot get through life without a boogeyman. Many people would feel lost without their boogeyman. For those seeking power and control a boogeyman is not only an asset, it is a requirement.
I know I've left out a LOT of boogeymen. Care to add any more to the list?