I just did some research on the amish and found out an interesting fact.Shunning created the amish.A group of people broke away from the mennonites in germany because the mennonites would not suport the shunning doctrine.These people became the amish.As a side note, do you guys remember the 60 minutes that delt with shunning.They had amish and JW teenagers that were shunned by their parents because the wanted out of their religion.
Amish and shunning
by gambler 3 Replies latest jw friends
Oh dear God...
If there never `d been existing any shunning doctrine by all sorts of religions, there would no white people live in the United States.
only Indians.
lol -
Guest 77
Enrich, Indians did banish unrepentant ones from their families.
Guest 77
See also:
Amish - JWs similiar problems
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=3260&site=3#127090Amish Man Pleads Guilty to Sexual Battery