I had read some time ago that the Ransom that Jesus paid with his life was for all of the people who died up to that point. He did not die for our present sins and that we must live a pure life to be worthy of Jehovahs salvation. THis is all purely JW speak, I was in an argument a while back with a JW and could not think of any of thier literature to reference this. Does anybody have any sources from JW literature to back this up?
by drawcad_1 3 Replies latest jw friends
I can't think of such a quote, but I've long thought that the WTS' view is that all Jesus did was purchase us a chance to earn Jehovah's approval through our works.
It's as if they believe Jesus made the down payment but we are supposed to keep up 1,000 years of installments.
It's not a biblical concept, because according to the Bible, salvation is a gift, not something we earn (Romans 4:1-6).
How many JWs are confident that Jesus completely purchased their salvation?
How many JWs are nervously hoping that they will survive Armageddon and that after 1,000 years they will somehow prove worthy in the eyes of Jehovah?
I had read about this in an apostate publication while I was studying with a brother and brought it up while the CO was sitting in on the study. The brother said that he had never heard of it, but the CO said that I was correct. I have since thrown out the apostate publication, during one of my get rid of anything watchtower relted moods. Now, I am associating with family from the watchtower and I mentioned this point, but cannot remember the source of this point. Family members have run through the usual denials that acompany doctrine that does not fit thier agenda and said that the CO misunderstood what I had said.