This is sick, it will make you angry.

by EndofMysteries 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EndofMysteries

    After watching it, read my comment below...........

    I felt God's disgust with that. Then I saw how he views us, and those who have abused us, the judging of elders and way things go. No doubt most who watch that are thinking, HOW can they possibly be so cruel to judge mere children, to label them those things, then near the end the pastor who walks up to a mother and her child and tells her that her child is possessed by Satan.

    That pastor represents the old men, elders, of all religions and faiths, even if many of them and countries are no longer physically killing or torture as in the dark ages, as stated in a WT bout not being able to kill an apostate because of current laws, the judging etc, God views as like that.

  • EndofMysteries

    btw I'm gonna try to find the ones helping those kids, that is where I want to give charity to, I want to get it directly to those people helping them. If anybody finds them or looks too, please post here.

  • EndofMysteries
  • EndofMysteries

    This is the rescue shelter, food/clothing. - I found the first charity I'm gonna support being outside of the org

  • nelly136
  • EndofMysteries

    Where, and even during the middle ages (I guess nobody could read their own bibles), did people come up w/ the idea of torture, etc, for being saved?

    Christians turned into that, but the bible doesn't teach that.

    Muslims, I've read part of the Koran, it also seems to teach peace and respect of neighbor, etc. (but some other books they also treat as holy are where I saw the opposite and what the extremists prob are using).

    From all of our recorded history, 'who' has done what, we are all being taught a very big lesson. By the time the entire world realizes it, (if it's a best case scenario ending), everyone will realize they've all been guilty of what they accussed others of, nobody will be able to exalt themself.

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