How to set up a Watchower cultlike following !!!

by foreverme 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • foreverme

    1. Keep It Vague; Keep It Simple. Use ambiguous and obscure words, but keep it simple or lose your credibility.

    2. Emphasize the Visual and the Sensual over the Intellectual. Make an appeal to the senses, or risk losing your following over boredom.

    3. Borrow the Forms of Organized Religion to Structure the Group. Great societies are characterized by order. Organize members in a hierarchical structure.

    4. Disguise Your Source of Income. Live luxuriously as proof of the truth and success of your claims, but keep your methods of acquisition disguised.

    5. Set Up an Us-Versus-Them Dynamic. Provide a sense of exclusivity and fabricate an ‘us against the world’ mentality.

  • littlebird

    6. Pretend you care about the person you are trying to recruit, befriend a believers spouse.

  • oldlightnewshite

    Hi Forever me. Welcome! I want to join your church. Where do I send the money?

  • Ding

    6. Lambast other religions for the very things you are doing. Example: Critcize Christendom for keeping people in line with fear of Hell at the same time you are keeping your people in line with a constant fear of horrible destruction at Armageddon.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Threaten any dissenters with shunning by all friends and family.

    Brainwash all members with horror pictures of what will happen to them if they leave or disobey.


  • ReallyTrulyAthena

    When the proverbial you-know-what goes wrong with your teachings: shift the blame to the rank and file, all while claiming to still be God's mouthpiece. Wielding fear and awe in the name of an almighty power are powerful tactics, donthcha know.

    Welcome, foreverme

  • Quirky1

    If the JW's, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and the many other cults out there can do it anyone can. You just have to apply yourself....but why?

  • Watchtowers Witnesses
    Watchtowers Witnesses

    7. Indoctrinate phobias into the followers about horrible things that will happen to them if they ever leave the cult.

    8. Turn the followers into proselytizing machines. Are you sick? Well keep recruiting. Depressed? Well keep recruiting it will cheer you up. Don’t go to college, recruit full time. Teach the followers that recruiting new members is the most important thing they can do in life.

    9. Preemptively warn potential recruits that they will be persecuted for joining the one and only “True” church. When friends and family of the new recruit show concern about their loved one joining a cult, Jackpot. Then isolate the new recruit from non-cult members.

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