Parables, Illustrations, FDS

by berrygerry 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • berrygerry

    There was a recent post stating to the effect that FDS was simply a parable.

    I always remember the debates held with Christian Students, about whether something was a parable or an illustration.

    Another thread has that issue.

    Regardless of whether the word parable or illustration can be applied to the FDS, I have a question.

    Both the Aid and Insight books have a lengthy article on Illustrations.

    The article lists 30 of Jesus' prominent illustrations.

    However, the FDS is not one of the 30 (same in Aid book).

    Why not?

  • prologos
    For wt it is more, not only a parable, generic, to teach a lesson, or an illustration, to clarify, fix a point,--- but a prophecy, with specific meanings attached to the timing and the actors.
  • stuckinarut2

    Great question.

    Every other Christian faith would say that the F&DS account is as much a parable as every other story Jesus told...

    So why does the GB interpret the F&DS as a LITERAL prophecy??

    OH! That's it can give them a PURPOSE and SELF appointed AUTHORITY.

  • stuckinarut2
  • jhine

    stuckinarut2 , absolutely


  • smiddy

    stuckinarut2 , jhine ,

    I could not agree more.,you have nailed it on the head.


  • menrov

    I believe they call it a PROPHETIC illustration or PROPHETIC parable. Smart choice becaue the parables were used by Jesus to make a point, to warn or inform his audience, to clarify things they did not know, or were about things soon to come.

    The parable of the FDS is a sort of a warning that Jesus will pass judgment those who as a a steward (or slave). The judgment can be a positive one but also a negative.

    The parable of the vigins or the talents address more or less the same warning or lesson.

    But these parables are not equal to a prophecy. A prophecy is about a specific future event, very clearly identified by all when fulfilled (i.e. even His opponents acknowledge Jesus existed).

    But the WTS knows how to use words to their advantage and power. This is an excellent example of that.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    The GB knows that the parable is about them because the parable is about them.


  • stuckinarut2

    Haha Doug!

    great point..... Circular reasoning at its best!

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    I prepared a serious Study on the subject in 2007, before the GB took over the FDS to itself. Nevertheless, the principles regarding the interpretation of parables and related matters still stands:


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