Last night I met a woman who's daughter became a JW

by I quit! 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Last night was the first night of a new study at my church. Overall it will be on the relationship of religion and science. Some of the material that we will be using are John Polkinghorne's book "Questions of Truth" and we are going to view the recent movie on Darwin. I think everyone in our group accepts evolution as a fact including Father Charles. Our studies are a lot different than JW studies. For one thing just about everyone in the group other than myself has a higher education. We have several scientist and psychologist in the group. Another think that makes it different is that there is no set pattern of what you are supposed to believe. You can say you believe anything you like with out fear of being called an apostate.

    (I think I'm getting to my point here) Anyway during the discussion it came out that one of the ladies in the group has a daughter who became a JW. I came out because this lady pointed out that her JW daughter would have a fit if she new her mother was involved in a church study group of this kind. I didn't get much of a chance to talk to her after because Father Charles had suggest we go home and watch the PBS show I think it is called God in America. Anyway we spoke briefly. She told me her daughter got involve with them while she was in college. Apperantly she had gone through rough break up with her boyfiend and met the dubs a booth on campus. Do dubs really go to colleges and try to recuit? Why would you allow a group so against college to be hanging out there. Anyway she told me her daughter has been in it for about twenty years. She told me she herself has gone through councelling over it. She wants to talk to me when we have more time. It should be interesting.

  • LV101

    a few go to college, especially after the new light --- early 90's? prior to this, many of the elders children attended --- you know, kinda like communism w/the have and have nots and allowed and not allowed system. GOTTA LOVE the Godly and just. even some in their 30's headed off to college when the losers had a new vision --- but seems it's gone dark again w/sales down. sad, indeed.

    it's my understanding they're allowed to set up their booths on campuses and try to rope a few fools in. state colleges receive funds from the taxpayers, right? can't this be protested --- is this preaching legal.


  • ziddina

    maybe you could get a few volunteers together and have an "anti-witness" booth or series of lectures on the subject of cults - so many different groups - some with questionable motives - recruit on-campus nowadays...


  • sherah
    Do dubs really go to colleges and try to recuit?

    Many colleges allow dubs on campus. There is a designated "free speech" area set up for groups/orgs to shill the wares. Also, I live in city that is home to many schools. The pioneers hit these areas up for easy, lazy time; sitting outside holding up magazines & passing out few tracts.

  • ziddina


    Thanks for that info, Sherah!! Since those areas are "free", then I suppose one COULD set up an "anti-Witness" stall, long as one is situated far enough away from the JWs to prevent harsh confrontations - or fisticuffs...


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