The Sock Puppet God - What does YOUR Jehoobie look like?

by hamsterbait 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hamsterbait

    Don't you think this is a POWERFUL image??

    I just read it in another thread - "Their Sock Puppet God" Dont laugh -Try it.

    Imagine a Sock Puppet Jehoobie. What are the eyes like? Is there a mouth, is there a tongue sticking out? How does he move as he speaks? Are the lips red, fat, thin??

    WAtch him talking:

    "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."

    "KILL everybody in Jericho!!"


    "Millions now living will die"

    "Give up your life for me. I will enable you to be truly HAPPY whilst living in fear and misery."

    "I will KILL you if you dont hawk the Witchtower"

    "kick your non-believing kids to the kerb."

    "Behold - my self- appointed Gibbering Buddies, I trust them so should you."

    "kick the old fools to the kerb who believed my Gibbering Buddies about the 1914 generation."

    "I am the God you buy just to scare your children - a pair of me costs $1.50 - or maybe MORE if you shop at Barneys in NY"

    "Why should I tell YOU anything about the men of Sodumb And Tomorrow?

    Will they won' t they, won't they will they won't they come to life... "

    I found this very empowering. The visualisation of what to the WTBTS is an all threatening, all powerful, so-called deity. He is their good and faithful servant, rubber stamping every change, and the way they cut their sales to the current hot wind from the senile dust farting reptiles in Crooklyn.

    A genocidal sociopath reduced to the same level as any other maladjusted self centred creep. Just like his cronies Teddy, Freddie Charlie and Joey.

    Next time you are at the Kingdumb Hell Imagine the sock puppet over the speakers head smiling and nodding approval.

    You will never be afraid again.

    What does your Jehoobie look like?


  • steve2

    The greatest image re-construction in the whole wide world is that of the God of the Bible:

    Within the Bible's primitive, blood-soaked pages is a jealous, unhinged Monster, JHWH, who orders his special people to carry out murderous acts in his name. Christianity arrives some centuries later, just as blood-soaked as the previous centuries of unbridled blood-lust and a reform campaign begins with the most bizarre message any parent could ever utter: God loved you so much he had his son killed for you.

    Two thousand years later, despite copious scriptures showing what a genocidal maniac the God of the Bible is, "true" believers get all misty-eyed and dreamy talking about the tender love of God that saved them. meanwhile, revelation tells us, if it's blood you dread, you ain't seen nothin' yet.

  • hamsterbait

    Is this some kind of therapeutic tool Lady Lee -

    Do you get clients to do stuff like this?


  • kurtbethel

    Governing Body Gone Wild

    sock puppet god

  • Joshnaz

    This is what he looks like to me.....................................................................NOTHING

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