The conversation in my head

by Pistoff 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pistoff

    It was my second interview with him; Him, I should say; He gets peevish when I don't capitalize.

    The first interview hadn't gone well, I don't think I can use anything from it.

    Okay, here is an example, judge for yourself:

    So back to King David; there are some who would question why he is considered a good king; after all he cheated on his wives with Bathsheba, lied about it and then murdered her husband. Right there, three commandments violated. But you decided to forgive him.

    “Ok, so he wasn't perfect. What's your point? Why not talk about what he did get done; he went through Canaan and kicked serious ass, that's what he did. Those people were disgusting; he rolled over 'em and set up the kingdom. He didn't get away with it all together; remember his young son died.”

    So the murder, adultery, free pass? And then you take it out on his infant son?

    “No, no, he definitely made some mistakes, as they say now. Thing is, no one ever questioned him at the time; King, OK? You don't live long calling out the king. Nathan, he did, but he was not too bright. He just caught David on a good day.

    The point is, those pointy headed priests and twitty scribes that rewrote the story made sure they hit him up with the, uh, more human failings, they never tell about how he got the whole damn nation behind him.

    Besides, David had a lot of kids, no shortage there; he liked making 'em, you notice.

    Now those were some times; gold, silver, taking the land from river to sea, that is my David; and then Solomon, I notice you aren't dogging me about Solomon. Solomon knew how to live; that’s how I want to be known, that’s how I roll, you might say. Wives from all over, gold is the thing, just throw away your silver. Oh, and you precious little people had plenty to eat, too, I notice you aren't mentioning that.

    Or maybe you don't believe about Solomon and all his glory, either; maybe you are 'agnostic', just an atheist without conviction, or a critic. Well, what about it?”

    Anyway, that kind of stuff; a little ranty. Honestly, I think He had been drinking.

    For this interview, he had popped into my realm as a sort of modern day fast talker, in a suit that shimmered all colors of the rainbow and some I hadn't seen, with a knot in the tie that was impossibly even and shoes that shined, but not too much. He was sucking on a caramel macchiato from you know where. When I asked him about it, he mumbled something about the frame of the modern culture.

    And I had to walk down a long hallway to get to him; it was white, like all the stories, but not so bright, like I had imagined, and honestly the walls and floors had a bit of a shopworn look to them. Like that hallway you have to walk down to get to the restrooms in the strip mall that is past its prime.

    My first question for this session was what He thought of the state of religion in the modern world; what did He think of how the world was portraying him? Did he have any comment on the view of some from years past that He was dead, that religion was on the wane?

    “ What, are you kidding? Do you even read the papers? I am hot, I am back. On the wane? Pffffhhhh.

    You obviously are not paying attention.

    Look, don't even look at what the craziest Muslims are doing, or Pat Robertson saying I hit New Orleans because they were sinners (actually I was aiming for Las Vegas), although I have gotten a hell of a bump from their fervor. Religion is on the RISE, my little moron, not the wane.

    Look at that fat, ignorant country you live in; half, yeah, half of the country thinks that I created them outright. Gotta be a record of some kind. They don't even pick up a science book. It takes me back to the good old days, when the whole damn world thought the world revolved around your little planet. Say what you want, those were some times.”

    Yes, I say; dark ages, I think they called them, ended by the Enlightenment, and people learning to read.

    “You really can't think that your world is too sophisticated for me, can you? How many people in your little experimental country think an Alaskan hillbilly should be president, huh? It warms my heart. At least she believes in me, and isn't afraid to talk about it.”

    And what did your enlightenment get everyone? Confused and lost, that's where. Filled with questions; what good do questions do for me?

    Look, you only know those old times from books; I was there. At least people knew what to expect; they knew who was boss. There were rules; you were born here, you did this. You were born over there, you did that. And they knew where they were going when they died. Order, that's what we had.”

    Order, I say; are you saying that class division, division between haves and have nots, slaves and owners, those are the things you like?

    " There you go again. I am saying that my people were large and in charge back then; people didn’t have to wonder what was right and wrong, they had lots of guidance. No moral confusion, no wondering where they came from or where they were going. Good, heaven; bad, hell. Simple and straightforward."

    I offer up that the modern version of the crusades seems right on track, that the little dust up between Christians and Muslims is rolling ahead; he must object to that.

    “Look, you worry too much about it. Sure, sure, there have been a few untimely and messy deaths, but at least they are interested, they are engaged. People are finally arguing again about who I am, and what I want, that really warms my heart.”

    I finally offer that this violence cannot be what He wants, or the struggle between one believer and another, or that he really approved of David; David was plenty violent after all. When David is on the scene, someone is going to get killed or violated, by my readings.

    “What, David again? You are really hung up on that guy, kid. David was just a gung ho guy, he killed a few of the Canaanites, his fellow countrymen if you have been doing your deep reading.

    He has been the hero of 3 major religions for centuries; why are you quibbling over a few missteps? You know, plenty of real believers in a couple religions I can think of are interested in keeping David and his exploits up there; his little raids of the countryside helped set the boundaries of the holy land, you know.

    But back to now, here is the deal: you are just missing the point completely. It doesn't matter what I want, or did, or want to do.

    It only matters what people THINK I want, and what they are willing to do to others to see that it is done.

    Those people who left this earthly scene in the towers, what did it matter if I wanted them dead or not? The guys with the planes, they thought I did.

    That's power, that's what I am saying.

    I am on a roll now, don't even think I'm not.

    Just try to stay on the right side, kid.”

    And with that, He disappeared.

  • elderelite

    love it.... for your next interview could you ask how he justifies that whole extortion thing david pulled? You know, with Nabal? and how david chooses to "look out" for nabal so nothing bad happens, and when he asks for "a favor" in return for his "generousity", and nabal tells him to go to hell, he ends up with his wife?

  • blondie

    Don't forget the 70,000 innocent people who died for David's deliberate sin and by
    David's choice. Taking a census. 70,000 people died for David's sin.

    (1 Chronicles 21:4-14) 4 The king’s word, however, prevailed over Jo´ab, so that Jo´ab went out and walked through all Israel, after which he came to Jerusalem. 5 Jo´ab now gave the number of the registration of the people to David; and all Israel amounted to a million one hundred thousand men drawing sword, and Judah four hundred and seventy thousand men drawing sword. 6 And Le´vi and Benjamin he did not register in among them, because the king’s word had been detestable to Jo´ab. 7 Now this thing was bad in the eyes of the [true] God, and so he struck down Israel. 8 Consequently David said to the [true] God: "I have sinned very much in that I have done this thing. And now, please, cause your servant’s error to pass away; for I have acted very foolishly." 9 And Jehovah proceeded to speak to Gad, David’s visionary, saying: 10 "Go, and you must speak to David, saying, ‘This is what Jehovah has said: "There are three things that I am directing against you. Choose for yourself one of them, that I may do it to you."’" 11 Accordingly Gad went in to David and said to him: "This is what Jehovah has said, ‘Take your pick, 12 whether for three years there is to be a famine; or for three months there is to be a sweeping away from before your adversaries and for the sword of your enemies to overtake [you], or for three days there is to be the sword of Jehovah, even pestilence, in the land, with Jehovah’s angel bringing ruin in all the territory of Israel.’ And now see what I should reply to the One sending me." 13 So David said to Gad: "It is very distressing to me. Please, let me fall into the hand of Jehovah, for very many are his mercies; but into the hand of man do not let me fall." 14 Then Jehovah gave a pestilence in Israel, so that out of Israel seventy thousand persons fell.


    *** w69 3/15 p. 191 Questions From Readers ***As a punishment for this sin Jehovah brought three days of pestilence that killed 70,000 Israelites. (2 Sam. 24:12-16) Was that unjust? Were 70,000 innocent people dying for the king’s error? The Bible plainly shows that we all are sinners deserving of death; it is only by God’s undeserved kindness that we live. (Rom. 3:23; 6:23; Lam. 3:22, 23) So those who died had no special "right" to life. Additionally, can any human today say for sure that those 70,000 were not guilty of some serious sin not mentioned in the historical record?

  • Pistoff

    I had this conversation in my head while mowing a week ago, had been a busy weekend with family over, and it was a beautiful night.

    Blondie, the longer we are away from the 'truth' the crazier it is.

    David, as the Bible describes him, is an impulsive killer, adulterer and breaker of laws.

    GOOD King David.

  • booby

    yup, when I was looking at Blondie's review of the tower it got me looking at the whole David thing. I find it interesting how the insight book info says "Jehovah was watching, however, and uncovered the whole reprehensible matter. If Jehovah had permitted the case involving David and Bath-sheba to be handled by human judges under the Mosaic Law, both of the wrongdoers would have been put to death, and of course, the unborn offspring of their adultery would have died with the mother. " Is there any possible way someone could be disfellowshipped when this reasoning is followed.

  • booby

    Oh by the way == quite brilliant Pistoff

  • Gregor

    Excellent, pissed.

    reminds me of my contact a few years ago when I tried phoning the big guy-

    I've been trying for years, had the number programmed into all my phones and hit redial every chance I could. So yesterday I'm driving along, bored with the radio, when I decided to try another redial. This is a transcript of the actual call:

    ring...ring...ring...ring (this went on for a long time and I was about to hang up, then).."Hello, You have reached Jehovah God. If your calling in Aramaic, press 1. If your calling in Buthanese, press 2...(this went on until it got to English, I entered 38)... I am sorry, I missed your call. I am taking some much needed quality time with Jesus. I will be out of the office from now until I get back. Please leave a message at the tone and will return your call as soon as possible....BEEEEP....Uh, yes, Jehovah this is me, but I guess you already know that. Wow, It would have been nice to talk to you but I feel priviledged to leave a message! I'll make it short. ..Well, uh, with all due respect, you need to make a personal appearance here on Earth. The misunderstanding, confusion, exploitation and downright chaos surrounding you has gotten way out of hand. If you could arrange a personal appearance tour, like the Rolling Stones or Bruce Springsteen, and make some pithy remarks, maybe pull off some mind blowing miracle stunt at each venue, whatever, I think it would help to kind of get us humans on the same page for awhile. You know it's been over 2000 years since the JC Tour. That was a huge success but I really think it needs to be done again...."

    I kicked myself after I hung up... I didn't even ask for any lotto numbers.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Nice satire! You remind me of NonStampCollector on YouTube. Check out his channel. Pretty funny and yet... makes the point.

  • Vachi 8 He Is
    Vachi 8 He Is

    Oh yeah, and tell him to focus his attention over here in Fredericksburg VA for a sec. I've got something I've been dying to show him >:D

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