This was scanned from a post card, not published by the WTS, but sold to JWs. The back is labeled with "Jersey City Assembly Hall". Was this a picture they have?
Humor, sad, sad humor (pic)
by maninthemiddle 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I kinda like the old chariot and warrior holding a flag with modern English lettering JEHOVAH!!!
Yeah, I didn't want to say it, you got it on the first post.
Silly me, I thought that Jehovah was a 12th century transliteration, but this whole time the Israelites were already using it!
I've seen this illustration before somewhere...
Was it on a WT calender?
Amusing point though about the use of the word Jehovah before the word was invented...
as to source I believe it to be a copy of a mural at the jersey city assembly hall. When I was there I was quite impressed with what they had done. Since then I have to ask why they expended such effort to transform this old building to its former glory. What you picked up on is quite hilarious though. What is probably equally as funny however is that when taking the tour of the building, one of the highlights shown is downstairs where the womens washrooms, a row or two of I don't recall the total number but lots.
booby, what I want to know is when they were spending so much effort and money to restore it, yet Armageddon was always right around the corner, shouldn't I have picked up on that?
booby, what I want to know is when they were spending so much effort and money to restore it, yet Armageddon was always right around the corner, shouldn't I have picked up on that?
Armageddon being right around the corner has never stopped them from investing and milking the publishes for everything they can get. But don't you think about going to college, or think about the possibility of retiring in this system of things.
yep. there are so many things that are like that when I look back on my life in. And yet when I listen to my brother still in and the anguish it produces in his life and still he refuses to even listen. He said to his daughter (not in anymore) just the other day when with tears of frustration he said "buutt there just has to be a truth and if this isn't it what is". I realize that the greatest forte that they possess is their ability to demonize everything from religion to the world in general. If you have been in long enough you have been brainwashed into thinking that there is no good in the world around you. Then when the cracks in the "truth" get to big it seems that there is nothing left. It is a sick cult.
Silly me, I thought that Jehovah was a 12th century transliteration, but this whole time the Israelites were already using it!
Not only that, they knew how to use the Roman alphabet and English spelling long before either was invented: what a miraculous prophecy!