Times are changin' could the Watchtower change too ?

by wasblind 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wasblind

    5. News vendors, street vendors and door-to-door salesmen

    Although street vendors are more common in big cities, the times of people trying to sell you things on the sidewalk are passing. These days, every sales pitch comes with an ad or marketing campaign. And now that you can market and sell everything online, there is less of a need to sell goods in person. These positions are expected to decline rapidly through 2018.

  • wasblind

    This is a cut and paste that was lifted off of a news page

  • wasblind

    I wonder How Jesus would feel about using modern technology to spread the word throughout the inhabited earth.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    According to the Borg, the Bible commands door to door witnessing. It would be a MAJOR change to give that up. They don't keep doing it because it is effective (it isn't). They do it because it is a GREAT source of control over the rank and file. It controls their weekends during which they could be doing something useful or fun and it is an awesome tool of guilt to hold over the heads of those who "aren't doing all that they can" (which is everybody).

    Understand this. The organization doesn't care about the success of their prostletyzing. It's just a control mechanism and if any members join because of it then that's a bonus.

  • baltar447

    I'm of the opinion, and I'm not alone, that the d2d work is pretty ineffective. In my opinion, if saving lives was of paramount importance, we'd be using whatever media necessary to get the message out.

    That being said, at what point did they shift away from using new media such as radio, moving film (photo drama) to being a group of luddites?

  • wasblind

    That news clip seem to disagree with the artist formally known as "PRINCE"

    who is now know as "PRINCE" again. To the WT's dismay the net ain't goin'


  • TheListener

    I agree with the previous posters. The d2d work is ineffective. It is a control mechanism.

    Another point, imho, that shows this is the pioneer school and textbook. If your main concern is reaching as many people as possible with the most effective message why would you only let the elite go to the special training school and receive the special training manual? How does that help the worldly people?

    Also, District Convention releases. The releases at the DCs are touted as the new great thing to bring people into the truth. No one is to know what's being released before their Convention and the Conventions around the world go one for months and months. If the whole point was to reach as many people as possible with the newest and best information the WTS would send the publications out with some information as soon as they were ready.

    The above instances aren't designed for the field - they are designed to motivate and emotionally control the members.

  • Gayle

    As long as they can get free laborers,,although for door to door work, that is pretty much JWs walking around to distribute free tracts,,not so effective any more in their printing part, money-wise. Their free laborers to building KHs and Assembly Halls still seems to be working for their real estate part though.

    The GB have painted themselves into many corners. They are having to change some things organizationally to survive,, but their arrogance is stubborn, ugly, hurtful.

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