This is a toddler in I guess a fundamentalist church. This video is creepy in a "children of the corn" sort of way. The guy that posted it on Facebook thought it was cute and removed my comment cause I said it was horrifying. I just don't like the idea of a kid that young being indoctrinated in any religion. Am I just jaded because of my JW experience?
What do you think of this video?
by serenitynow! 7 Replies latest social entertainment
I think this is more than what most of us think of as fundy. Baptist is fundy but I don't think they do this. This gets into what is referred to in some areas of usa as "holy rollers:". ( old expression not sure what they are called now).
Where is the original video b/c I followed it to you tube and can't find it. Yes I do find the video rather scary in the children of the corn sort of way. It is a child doing something adult. That is wrong. Really, showing children doing anything that is for adults is not ok with me.
All religion indoctrinates children. We all thought it was ok to force our kids to sit still for hours and listen to stuff that was really for adults only. We forced our kids to go in service and give talks on the MS. We let our kids view horrible pics that showed destruction of people and most real jws would let their children die by not letting them get blood or organ transplants( I'm not totally up to date on ever changing policy on this).
Serenity its horrible to us because we recognize what they're doing to that little girl, because they did it to us too, just in a different manner. I've been giving talks since I was 7. They had to provide a stool for me to stand on because the podium and microphone were several feet tallker than me. So many kids have been giving talks, going out in field service, alienating themselves at school, the list just goes on and on. You never see how creepy it is until you're old enough and have enough experience under your belt to realize what they've been doing to us.
Think About It
Wow......that was creepy. Poor kid. Can't see a normal childhood in that kid's future.
Think About It
It's so horrible that the Adobe Flash plug-in has crashed with a frowny lego face! Of course, it's not just this particular experience. The kid is no doubt imitating adults, but the influence will likely continue to be there as she grows up. Actually, I don't even really see it in terms of religious indoctrination in particular, but that so many parents will in some way push their own values and world view on their kids, because they can't even see beyond what seems right for them. It's just a matter of teaching them what to think rather than how to think, or even what to feel and so forth.