Just Another Day On The Board (redux)

by Farkel 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    I was digging through some of my old stuff looking for a topic I need and ran across this post from 8 years ago. It is simply amazing how some things never change. Most of the newer ones will not recognize any of these characters, but we can easily swap their screen names with names of current posters and the whole piece would be like it was written yesterday. The more things change, the more they stay the same!


    Just like at any social gathering, there is a variety of personalities to interact with on this board. That’s what makes life exciting. It would be great if a bunch of us with divergent points-of-view could get together in person, huh? What would that be like?

    Tina: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs to all}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    Waiting: Simon, I just reached 100,000 posts. I want a new title.

    Simon: I can’t think of any title to top the one you’ve already got, waiting. I mean, what can top “Omnipotent and Supreme Goddess of the Entire Cosmos?”

    Waiting: you’ve got a point there, Simon.

    Aguest: May you all have peace!

    Everyone: we will if you’d JUST SHUT UP, Shelby!


    Logical: I’m ugly.

    Logical: I want to be a woman.

    Farkel: If you’re an ugly man, you’d be a BUTT-UGLY woman, logical.

    Joel Bear: Butt? Did someone say “butt?” Who’s butt? Where?

    RexB13: HOMO! You’ll rot in hell forever and ever and ever!

    Julie: I’m so glad you left those awful JWs and found tolerance and balance in your life, Rexy boy. Do you realize how much hate you are promoting, you idiot?

    RexB13: It’s all in the Bible, Julie, and God condemns it.

    Ginny Tosken: So is child-rape and God doesn’t condemn that, Rex.

    Fred Hall: Rutherford rocks! Read his books and you get saved!

    RR: Well, Pastor Russell says…..


    Kent: Yakki da, my friends. Keep sending me those BOE letters, folks!

    Englishman: pass me another beer, Kent.

    Kent: The beer’s all gone, E. Do you want me to go pick up another pallet-load of it?

    Logical: life sux.

    Farkel: well, it might help if you actually HAD one, logical.


    Tee Jay: Do you want me to post an essay I wrote on King Richard III?

    ALL: NO!!!

    Tina: {{{{{{{{{{hugs to all you sweeties}}}}}}}))

    Waiting: I’ve now reached 200,000 posts!

    Simon: yeah, and you did that in only one week!

    Prisca: let’s talk about something nice. What’s everyone’s favorite dessert?

    Norm: this board is supposed to be about JW subjects, Prisca.

    Prisca: well, JWs eat desserts TOO, don’t they?

    Fred Hall: My kitty likes desserts. MEOW!

    ALL: (big groan)

    BibleExaminer: I HATE the WTS. May they rot in hell.

    Mommie Dark: They’re ALREADY in hell, bx. But then, what does this vicious old twat know?

    BibleExaminer: you’ve got a pretty good point there, MD.

    Fred Hall: MEOW, MEOW!

    JanH: evolution is FACT, and here’s why. (presents facts)

    yadirF: you poopey faced liar! Poopey, poopey, poopey head!

    RexB13: well, here are the REAL facts, Jan. Francis Hitching conclusively proves you wrong and here are 150 pages of his stuff to prove it.

    JanH: Hitching is a twit, Rex. And you are an idiot.

    RexB13: Maybe so, but I’m a SAVED idiot and unless you change your ways you will rot in hell forever and ever and ever.

    MadApostate: I want FACTS. As usual, you won’t give us any, Jan.

    Farkel: would someone please pass me the troll spray?

    Aguest: excuse me, but may you all have peace. My lord and master Jechuashaushia ben Macshiashia has instructed me to tell you that…..

    ALL: (loud groan)

    Tina: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs to all}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    Uncle Bruce: g’day, cheeky Galahs. Lao Tzu says, “if you want to find truth, eat dirt.”

    Larc: what the sam hill does THAT mean, Unc.?

    Uncle Bruce: dunno, but it sure the hell makes more sense than what those bloody barstards at the Watchtower society teaches!

    Kent: you’ve got a good point there, my friend. Yakki da! Keep those BOE letters coming!

    sf: Russell was a Freemason, and Freemasons are responsible for all the world’s troubles.

    RR: no he wasn’t.

    MadApostate: LIAR! All you ever do is LIE, RR.

    AlanF: could I have that can of troll spray, too, please?

    YadirF: Alan, you are such a LIAR! My puppy tells the truth more often than you do. Poopey head!

    Farkel: DipFuck.

    Aguest: may you all have…..


    New Dub Poster: well, where else can we go?

    Tina: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    sf: It’s an Illuminati conspiracy, and my research proves it.

    YouKnow: the end is coming next October 4th at 2:30 p.m. PST.

    Larc: dear brother You Know. Hate to pop your bubble, but things are better now than they’ve ever been.

    YouKnow: how do you know that?

    Larc: because I’m RETIRED, that’s why! I can say and do any damn thing I want!

    YadirF: LIARS!

    Simon: behave, children.

    JT: you’ve got week 53 of your WT timeshare, yadirF. Sad. So sad. Just my 2c.


    FredHall: MEOW!

    Waiting: I’ve just reached 300,000 posts!………

    Just another day on the board, folks!


    Original thread:



  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    That reminds me of one of Hillary Step's posts from a few years ago: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/158239/1/and-the-JWD-beat-goes-on

    different day, different people, same old same old:

    Burn The Ships: Osama Bin Laden has long blonde hair and a tattoo of Jesus on the left orb of his arse.
    HS : No he has not...got long blonde hair I mean.
    Burn The Ships: You admire Osama so why should we believe you? In fact as you admire Osama why should we believe that God does not exist or that the Republican party is not a gigantic Cuban string vest?
    HS: Where have I said I admired Osama Burn?
    BTS: Well, okay, admire is a strong word. What I really meant was in sort of admirishly admiriazing sort of way you like his sandals if only to sell them on eBay. I surmised this from the post where you stated, 'Osama Bin Laden has been mis-sandalled.'
    Journey On: Yes, I remember reading some of the turds HS has written in the past where he distinctly said that he admired Osama, so he must have long blonde hair....Hillary I mean....ermmm am I losing the plot again? Never mind, as long as I am disageeeing with HS I know that God exists.
    HS: Journey...wrong again on all counts!
    Minimus: Have you ever been wrong on all counts?
    Journey On: I am sure that I remember some turd or the other that you wrote in the past to this effect.
    HS: No you do not, as I did not write this, but speaking of turds, why are you looking so flushed.
    Journey On: Waaahhahhah! HS was mean and rude to me....Wahahahah! I need a cuddle.
    Flipper: You called!
    Burn The Ships: I am Wikipedia, Lord of Links - bomb Cuba with URL's.
    5Go: Guess what I am going to be writing about next Tuesday morning at 10.05am?
    Burn The Ships: Bow before me 5Go, for I am Half-Baked, which means that half of me may not be baked but the other half, the more important half is well baked.
    RCrusoe: Who says that I am impotent...oh sorry ..important?
    Flipper: Come on folks. What is your favorite 'What is your favorite' thread?
    Jcanon: In 539BC while the moon was waning over the Portable Molech Baby Burning Dumpster, the the reverse anti-typical Oliver Cromwell wrote on a clay prism, 'Trust in God but keep your wig dry'. The allusion to the word 'wig' makes it quite plain that I am the Messiah and that Oliver Cromwell's warts were the 'mark' on the forehead spoekn of by my still living cousin, Daniel of Birkenhead.
    FunkyDerek: When did you last see Obve's doctor?
    JCanon" Doctor? Did not the Lord provide his servants with all the medication they needed......My cat has been brainwashed and is trying to sing. I may not be around much longer...
    Hooberus: Why do you rabid, ignorant, deceitful, arrogant, lying athiests always descend to using insults against God's only true people?
    Real One: Uhhh? Only a tool says to his cart, there is no dog....Uhhhh?
    RCrusoe: I am not saying that I am desperate for female flesh, but what exactly does Osama look like in a blonde wig?
    Nicolau: If the world is not athiest by this night Friday, 11.00pm, GMT, I am going to start a war between athiests and religionists with agnostics doing the non-combatant medical duties.

  • AGuest

    Omigosh... you've brought a guffaw to my throat, dear Daddy-O (the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!)... and tears to my eyes!! Those were the days, weren't they?

    PEACE, you wascally wabbitt!!

    Your servant, friend, and a slave of Christ,

    Shel, who's definitely earned her "stripes"... (pun intended)

  • BurnTheShips



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