I was wondering if current jws are serving God with pure unselfish motives, or only with a view to eternal life? If there was no such thing as life after death, or the paradise, and this is it, would they still serve God willingly? Recently after reevaluating everything, I realized that even if this is it, I will still love God for allowing me to live and enjoy life. I would still feel the same way while he is killing me during Armagaddon according to the jws. Just wondering since they act so self righteous.
Are Jehovah Witnesses serving God with selfish or unselfish motives?
by dysfunction 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
The JW sales pitch is one of Spiritual Materialism.
"You don't have to ever die. You can live from now until eternity."
It's a works-based faith. You must EARN everlasting life.
Moreover, people are encouraged to "keep their eye on the prize", to visualize themselves in the New System.
So, it's safe to say that many JWs are in it for what they think they will gain.
MOST people, religious or non-religious, seek their own self interests. Some say that this is all anyone is capable of doing. They say that even when acting in a altruistic manner, we still GET SOMETHING out of the exchange, even if it's peace of mind or satisfaction.
Selfish - they fear losing their lives/eternal life.
Stop it SATAN!!!