Remind me- how do they explain.....elder book

by carla 8 Replies latest forum announcements

  • carla

    Can someone please remind me how they explain the need for a secret elders book to the r & f? My jw has given numerous convoluted reasons over the years and I have forgotten the official reasoning. On one hand they claim no clergy class, we are all the same, blah, blah, yet they have only one book the r & f (particularly women) cannot see. Thank you, carla

  • Ding

    I can't find a specific reference for this in WT publications, but I seem to remember that they say that Jesus didn't share everything with all the people that followed him but only with his 12 disciples. And some things he only shared with Peter, James, and John.

    Of course, in Matthew 10:27, Jesus also said, "What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs."

    But the Watchtower does whatever the Watchtower wants to do.

  • fokyc

    1. Jehovah has entrusted elders with the responsibility

    to care for his precious sheep that he purchased

    with the blood of his Son. (Acts 20:28) This

    is a serious responsibility, but through holy spirit,

    elders can properly care for the sheep. Not only

    has Jehovah provided his own example as the Supreme

    Overseer but he has also sent to the earth his

    own Son, "the fine shepherd," to leave "a model"

    for us. (John 10:11; 1 Pet. 2:21, 25) God's written

    Word is "beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for

    setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness."

    (2 Tim. 3: 16) In addition, he gives timely direction

    through "the faithful and discreet slave." (Matt.

    24:45) This publication has been prepared to help elders

    to "shepherd the flock of God." -1 Pet. 5:2. 2. "Shepherd the Flock of God"

    has been designed

    as a handbook for elders to supply vital information

    that will help them care for congregation matters.

    ...Because of efforts to simplify this publication,

    it does not cover every aspect of our work as eIders.

    At times you may need to consult other publications

    and letters to the body of elders for detailed

    information. Be alert to future direction and adjustments

    so as to stay up-to-date on theocratic direction.

    3. As an elder, your ultimate objective is to imitate

    the Supreme Overseer, Jehovah, and his Son in the

    way you treat the sheep. (Eph. 5:1) Jehovah sets the

    example for overseers as a God of love and as the perfect

    Judge in that he is just at all times and in all of

    his ways.

    Their words, not mine!

  • believingxjw

    The Witnesses are accustomed to having various levels of privilege and responsibility. Each with its own "school" so to speak. From the first publisher training book supposedly given only to those ready for baptism, "Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry" to the Missionary School at Patterson, the JWs are trained to accept levels and with those levels the appropriate training that is only available to those who attain that level. It is a given that all are accustomed to or are expected to accept. Not too dissimilar from other religions and organizations.

    I've never heard an explanation for the secrecy, this too is a given. Just as the "Organized" book is not placed in field service or studied with someone who has not yet gained unbaptized publisher status. It is the way it is in the Watchtower. To be fair, though, I doubt that the rank and file Roman Catholic or Baptist or Mormon or Presbyterian, or whatever, has access to all the "privileged" material their priests or ministers may have access to or have learned in their "schools" because if they did many would leave the church.

    Thus the shock and popularity of Bart Ehrman's books which open the door to what priests and ministers are learning at their seminaries and religious schools.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    To be fair, though, I doubt that the rank and file Roman Catholic or Baptist or Mormon or Presbyterian, or whatever, has access to all the "privileged" material their priests or ministers may have access to or have learned in their "schools" because if they did many would leave the church.

    I'm not sure multiple wrongs make a right here. "They're not the only ones who do it," is no defense. Neither is, "they're no worse than other cults."

  • believingxjw

    Who said I was defending? Just telling like it is.

  • Magwitch

    I went to visit my parents last night. I brought my new elder book (all bound, highlighted, underlined and sticky paper marked), my father pulled out his new one. He was irritated, naturally, but was willing to discuss a couple of things(at 80 yrs old, he is more relaxed than most elders). He told me the secrecy is for legal reasons, blah blah blah, lawsuits, blah blah blah, never can be too careful etc etc.

    I told him I was a little disturbed at 6:16. When someone is suicidal, professional help needs to be called in immediately. 6:16 councils elders to call the society. That is a very risky stand to take on such a serious issue.He responded with"The society is razor sharp in their thinking."

    Okay dad, thanks, that clears up everything. Thank you for those nuggets of wisdom.

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Hi Magwitch,

    You have a PM.


  • agonus

    I was told "There's nothing in that book you can't find in the pages of the Watchtower and other publicly available material"...

    Um... if that's the case, then why is it still a "secret" book?

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