Advice to Geraldine

by PopeOfEruke 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • PopeOfEruke

    I recently (re-) read this poem written by His Bobness
    and I thought it offers excellent advice to anyone facing a meeting
    with the Elders (as sometimes is discussed here.) The last bit is great! Actually its all great!

    Here is the poenm (I hope its legal to paste it in full??)

    The Pope

    Advice for Geraldine on her Miscellaneous Birthday

    stay in line. stay in step. people
    are afraid of someone who is not
    in step with them. it makes them
    look foolish t' themselves for
    being in step. it might even
    cross their minds that they themselves
    are in the wrong step. do not run
    nor cross the red line. if you go
    too far out in any direction, they
    will lose sight of you. they'll feel
    threatened. thinking that they are
    not a part of something that they
    saw go past them, they'll feel
    something's going on up there that
    they don't know about. revenge
    will set in. they will start thinking
    of how t' get rid of you. act
    mannerly towards them. if you don't,
    they will take it personal. as you
    come directly in contact face t' face
    do not make it a secret of how
    much you need them. if they sense
    that you have no need for them,
    the first thing they will do is
    try t' make you need them. if
    this doesn't work, they will tell
    you of how much they don't need
    you. if you do not show any sadness
    at a remark such as this, they
    will immediately tell other people
    of how much they don't need you.
    your name will begin t' come up
    in circles where people gather
    to tell about all the people they
    don't need. you will begin t' get
    famous this way. this, though, will
    only get the people who you don't need
    in the first place
    all the more madder.
    you will become
    a whole topic of conversation.
    needless t' say, these people
    who don't need you will start
    hating themselves for needing t' talk
    about you. then you yourself will
    start hating yourself for causing so
    much hate. as you can see, it will
    all end in one great gunburst.
    never trust a cop in a raincoat.
    when asked t' define yourself exactly,
    say you are an exact mathematician.
    do not say or do anything that
    he who standing in front of you
    watching cannot understand, he will
    feel you know something he
    doesn't. he will react with blinding
    speed and write your name down.
    talk on his terms. if his terms
    are old-fashioned an' you've
    passed that stage all the more easier
    t' get back there. say what he
    can understand clearly. say it simple
    t' keep your tongue out of your
    cheek. after he hears you, he can
    label you good or bad. anyone will
    do. t' some people, there is only
    good an' bad. in any case, it will
    make him feel somewhat important.
    it is better t' stay away from
    these people. be careful of is all temporary
    an' don't let it sway you. when asked
    if you go t' church, always answer
    yes, never look at your shoes. when
    asked you you think of gene autrey
    singing of hard rains gonna fall say
    that nobody can sing it as good as
    peter, paul and mary. at the mention
    of the president's name, eat a pint of
    yogurt an' go t' sleep early...when
    asked if you're a communist, sing
    america the beautiful in an
    italian accent. beat up nearest
    street cleaner. if by any
    chance you're caught naked in a
    parked car, quick turn the radio on
    full blast an' pretend
    that you're driving. never leave
    the house without a jar of peanut
    butter. do not wear
    matched socks. when asked to do 100
    pushups always smoke a pound
    of deodorant beforehand.
    when asked if you're a capitalist, rip
    open your shirt, sing buddy can
    you spare a dime with your
    right foot forward an' proceed t'
    chew up a dollar bill.
    do not sign any dotted line. do not
    fall in trap of criticizing people
    who do nothing else but criticize.
    do Not create anything. it will be
    misinterpreted. it will not change.
    it will follow you the
    rest of your life. when asked what you
    do for a living say you laugh for
    a living. be suspicious of people
    who say that if you are not nice
    t' them, they will commit suicide.
    when asked if you care about
    the world's problems, look deeply
    into the eyes of he that asks
    you, he will not ask you again. when
    asked if you've spent time in jail,
    announce proudly that some of your
    best friends've asked you that.
    beware of bathroom walls that've not
    been written on. when told t' look at
    yourself...never look. when asked
    t' give your real name...never give it.

    Bob's Written Word

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