Yoke Kindly? Load Light?

by WTWizard 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    Well, this is your "light load". You are expected to waste 70 or more hours a month on field circus, working the same streets repeatedly. Doing this never even successfully reduces what's left to be done. You are expected to dress up in nylons and suit coats in hot weather, and "sisters" are not allowed to wear thermal underwear or slacks during bitter cold weather. You have to throw away most everything that means anything to you. You must attend weekly meetings, that are purposely designed to be boring. You are supposed to attend three major events per year, which wastes one or more days of your weekend and plenty of money each.

    To add to the physically draining load, you are supposed to be role models. Anything you do could stumble anyone, and you are responsible. You shouldn't do things that might make others think they can do them. And, there is more guilt because, if you "could have" reached someone but didn't for whatever reason, you murdered that person. And, along with the guilt, there is the shame of "undeserved kindness", and "we do not deserve such a provision for salvation".

    To me, fear, guilt, and shame do not make for a "light load".

  • ProdigalSon

    Yes, what Jesus meant by a light load was totally the opposite of Watchtower Phariseeism.

    He was teaching communion with God, the KNOWLEDGE of Oneness with the Father, where the purpose of life is simply to BE and grow, and learn. To enjoy every moment, to forgive those who sin against us, and to forgive ourselves for our own sins. To be grateful for what we have, and then more will be given to us. That we are connected to the Universe and we are lacking nothing. To be proactive instead of reactive. To love those who are against us, instead of fearing them, and they will be won over with kindness.

  • LV101

    ProdigalSon --- to love those who are against us/hate us is so difficult, and it's hard to have faith that they will be won over.

    Love you post and it is encouraging.


  • 3Mozzies

    Well said WTWizard

    Every time that scripture came up at the Kingdumb Hell I felt like screaming: "What light load?" It was one of those scriptures that helped me wake up. I hated that scripture with a passion!

    Freedom from the WT is so sweet :smile:


  • LV101

    YES. i had only been attending meetings a few mos. and all i could sit there and think was the heavy loads they were imposing on the members and they were no different than the pharisees. many things like this continued to haunt me.


  • FlyingHighNow

    This is one of the scriptures that kept making me say hmmm. I ended up irregular and then inactive due to that "WT kindly and light yoke."

  • VampireDCLXV
    Two words...

    BULL S**T!


  • Ding

    JESUS' yoke is kindly and HIS load is light.

    He didn't say anything about the yoke and load of the self-appointed and self-proclaimed "faithful and discreet organization."

    In fact, in Luke 11:46, Jesus talked about legalists who "load people down with burdens they can hardly carry and... will not lift one finger to help them."


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