Pot smoking has been possible without police interferance in Holland for years. Now with Portugal lifting virtually all anti-drugs legislation, Belgium joining the Dutch in decriminalising Cannabis, and Britain reducing it from a Class B to a Class C drug (making it on a par with abusing perscription drugs), the only question is when will the USA give up it wasteful and pointless 'War on Drugs'? Get with the program Uncle Sam, don't be part of the problem which leads to massive criminal activity devoted to supplying substances whose use is a victimless crime!
Pot: A Women's Issue?In a breath-taking gesture against human suffering everywhere, Virgin Records have paid Mariah Carey $28 million dollars not to sing. I doubt if there will be a more cost-effective humanitarian gesture this year!LONDON (Reuters) - Female members of Britain's biggest trade union have added their voices to calls for the legalization of cannabis, but they have an unusual argument -- the drug offers women a calorie-free way to relax.
Women members of Unison's eastern region say the decriminalization of cannabis is a ``women's issue'' because it presents a healthier and less fattening way to chill out.
``Cannabis can be used for women to relax and de-stress without calories, in contrast to alcohol or chocolate,'' the women will argue in a motion to the union's 9,000-strong women's conference in Cardiff next month.
Women lead ``amazingly stressful lives... with many different roles, jobs and multi-tasking. It is important that women can relax and escape the stresses of life.''
The group even have a proposal for those who do not smoke: ''Non-smokers can use cannabis by incorporating it into recipes and cooking with it.'' Though presumably not in a chocolate cake.
A spokesman for Unison dismissed the motion on Tuesday, saying it was unlikely to be passed.
``Of course it is up to the members,'' she said. ``But it is not exactly one of the more serious items on the agenda. It is tongue-in-cheek, so to speak.''
Mariah, Virgin Part Ways(RollingStone.com) - After weeks of speculation, Virgin Records has reported that it has terminated its multi-album, multi-million-dollar contract with Mariah Carey. The negotiations were described as "amicable," and Carey said in a statement, "This is the right decision for me. I look forward to the many new and exciting opportunities, which have now been presented to me. I wish Virgin well."
Carey signed a contract with the label last April after leaving Columbia Records, her label of ten years where she emerged as the best-selling female performer of all time with 140 million albums and singles sold worldwide and a Number One single every year for the last ten years.Based on that past performance, Virgin inked the singer to a deal that would have paid her $81.6 million for four albums. The settlement terminating her contract pays the singer $28 million, and she was paid an additional $21 million when the contract was signed last year.
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...