My 16 year old nephew got a tattoo!

by serenitynow! 7 Replies latest social family

  • serenitynow!

    My only nephew, who's mom is inactive and his only exposure to the WT is through my hardcore JW mom, just got a tattoo. It's of his mom's name, I would have been super excited if it was of a cross, lol. Anyway, I had been so worried about him, because I did not know how deep into the JWs he is mentally. He is pro-college and has worldly friends. I see the tattoo as hope that maybe he is not really committed to living a JW lifestyle. Of course I don't want him to go buck wild in the world, get hurt, and then end up crawling back to the JWs.

    How can I nurture his nonJW mindset, but still help him to not go out and get crazy in the world?

  • 3dogs1husband

    Encourage EDUCATION!!!!!!!

    Books, thoughts, concepts, big picture ideas! Falling for a worldly girl couldnt hurt Good luck!

  • Snoozy

    16 18 year old grandson fought with his mom from 16 till 18 for one..he finally got a small one on his back at 18, on his birthday matter of

    Did he have to have parental permission?

    It is the indian feather type ..a small dreamcatcher as he is part indian.

    His mother's name? A mama's boy huh? JK..

    If he is going to college soon they will teach him things to let him know how rediculous JW's really are. I wouldn't worry. They all go crazy for a while and hopefully settle down in a year or two. (In college)


  • serenitynow!

    He didn't have permission. His mom texted me and told me about it. She was more mad about the risk of getting HIV or Hepatitis if the tattooist isn't a pro. I saw him the other day and teased him a bit about getting his mom's name, instead of just "mama." And in his infinite 16 year old wisdom, he thought getting mom on his arm instead of mom's name, was stupid. I wonder if it could have something to do with his grandma's insistence that to say god, a title, is not as good as saying Jehovah, a personal name. Now I'm getting worried again.

  • truthseekeriam

    My son is at that age and is already saying he would like to get a tattoo, I guess it really the IN thing right now.

    I told him to wait until he's 18 and if he still wants one I'll take him to get one safely.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    A name is much better than "Momma." A name can be lied about to impress others, such as a girlfriend's name, lol.

    Momma would be made fun of, but not a person's name. It's cool.

    Glad it's a name of someone he loves and will continue to love his whole life instead of a passing girlfriend's name.

    Kinda young, though.

  • wasblind

    I thought you had to have parental consent if you were not 18

    I guess that depends on what state you live in . Anyway as in

    all things make your choices wisely.

  • 1Robinella


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