Wecome to all our new members

by Mickey mouse 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I noticed we've had quite an influx again; probably related to the new elders manual and news of the ungrateful attitude for the sacrifice of the many that the Governing body has displayed at the annual meeting.

    Welcome to everyone, pull up a chair and tell us how you arrived here.

  • Ding

    If you want to remain anonymous (as many do) you can still give us your story without giving so many details that someone could identify you.

    Odds are, LOTS of people here have gone through similar experiences.

  • zoiks

    A warm welcome to all of you! Stick around, you will probably learn something.
    What's more, you will undoubtedly connect with others who share a lot in common with you. Your story is unique, but you need not be alone in experiencing it.

  • Gayle

    We welcome the young, who are hurting, that their JW families don't talk to you, because you were DF'd for whatever reason.

    We welcome the old, who are struggling, who the GB are criticizing them, because they "murmur" who are only honestly expressing their reality of old age that the GB didn't allow them to prepare for with normal financial and health protections for older years. These older ones are only wanting to be honest and loving for their younger ones to have a plan "B" which the GB preach against, although the GB has these amenities provided by the rank & file JWs.

    We welcome everyone in between young and old, the weary and burned-out, disappointed JWs, elders, pioneers, and Bethelites.

    We understand. We have no need to judge but only encourage. We all have experienced it.

  • Lozhasleft

    Welcome to the forum...its a good place to be for support, help, advice .....you will find refreshment for your souls here and no mistake.

    Loz x

  • RosePetal

    Yes welcome to you all, we would love to hear your stories as it helps let us know we are not alone and that there are many who are waking up and it gives us hope that many more will wake up, especially our families still in. There does seem to be a lot coming on the board all of a sudden.

    Peace and good luck to you all RosePetal

  • four candles
    four candles

    We don't bite.........well maybe Outlaw does,but he's in his cage at the moment so you are safe!!!

    For now!!!!

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